A Female Vampire? Really?

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Laying there on the 'Nightwing' with Rachel, talking about her experiences, it occurred to me to ask two things.

"Rachel, does it worry you that in all those times you got raped, you never became pregnant? Birth control was not a thing back then. I doubt they pulled out for the money shot."

"It does. Even more now, since the possibility of a child is real again. The first time I was raped I was twelve..."

"Fuck. Me. Running. Twelve?" I was shocked.

"Not like there was an age of consent then. Not that he asked either. I knew women who got married at that age. Child brides are a crisis of sorts now, but back then it was fairly normal." Rachel pointed out. "As you say, birth control was not an option. All those times with all those men that ended with insemination and I never caught. I never even skipped a period."

"I assume that perp from age twelve is the first one you killed?"

"No. I wish. By the time I turned, he was already dead. Infected cut. No antibiotics."

"Good. So at least it was slow and painful." I asserted.

"Yes. No woman I knew shed a tear. He got around and had a thing for little girls. Another of the rapists died when the husband of one of the women he raped killed him, with her help I might add. They ran for their lives. The sheriff would not protect a woman, even if she was married, but kill a rich guy, and you were in trouble."

"I think that might still be true. So, when you turned? Male Vampire?" I asked next

"I have no idea. I am not like you in that I have no memory of being bitten. It was erased. I was actively sleeping with women by then, so is one of them a Vampire and made me forget it? Maybe. A male Vampire? Maybe. I always assumed it to be a woman for only one reason. Not to put too fine a point on this, but sex with a male is messy. I never had an event where I woke up, wondered about the lost time, and needed to clean up. As women turn fairly quickly there is the time right before I turned where I lost time. I woke up alone, in my bed, the sheets a rumpled mess. I was tired. Something happened there, but I had no idea what. Nothing else to indicate what transpired. If it was a male Vampire, it was one covering his tracks really well, at a time when he would not have to. There are rapists who liked the dominance thing. You know. Big in porn."

"I assume you are referring to facials?" I asked


"Still, you would have known about that, I think."

"Pretty sure, yes. I had long hair then. So, it seems likely it was a woman and one that did not want anyone to know she broke the rule about not biting a woman. It has no consequence of course, as Helen and Jessica demonstrate, unless it is a woman that has a very long history of running amuck, and then she needed to not let anyone know about her. I think that is the most likely."

"So, after all the raping, and all the fucking dominance and power bullshit, you end up getting turned by a woman? One that most likely seduced you with pheromones, had sex with you, bit you, and turned you? Is irony in that story someplace?"

"Yes. Buckets of it. I did not learn the Vampire ways for another fifty years or so when I met another Vampire and she explained I was not alone, and that there is this hidden world. The rules. All of it.

Back on the first subject. "Rachel, this may seem personal, but you said your periods appeared even after you were assaulted. Have you ever been imaged? To see if you have any obstructions? Like Endometriosis?"

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