Inviting The Virgin (Changes & Note)

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        Okay so finally I have been able to re-read and edit the whole story. Now most things are still the same but certain things are diffrent as well. Now because I seperated certain chapters instead of 25 chapters this story now has 32 and still going. Some people had told me that most of the chapters were too long so I tried to break it up while I was editing.

        Now, I did change things when I was editing because well some stuff didn't make sense lol

Things that are diffrent.

1). Challenge number four changed. Instead of singing on the bar top it was basically "dirty dancing" with a stranger.

2). Adam Slater's charater has changed. He is now a college student and Wayne's older brother. This just fits much better into the plot that I have planned.

        Now, I know it has been a while since I have written anything new but I have been very busy but guess what Inviting the Virgin will be done before the new year! I have planned out all the chapters and written a few so I'll be working on it over christmas break.

        Thanks for being so patient with everything.

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