Inviting The Virgin (27)

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Between juggling the hand full I had I managed to open the small envelope that had been passed out to me. All that as on the card was four lines that confused even me at first. Still after the seventh time I’d read the sentences the puzzle pieces weren’t connecting.   

“Still don’t get it? I thought you were smart,” Jordan said joking around with me.

Or at least I hoped she was joking around. Her tone reassured me that she was but it was hard to tell when it came to Jordan. She would be bouncing up and down one minute and then completely focused the next.

“It says, ‘Twinkle twinkle neon light, shine above us tonight, with see through sequins and feathered dreams, drawn together by hormonal teens,” Jordan spoke as if the light bulb should have gone off in my head.   

“Well there is only a couple stores I can think of that would draw hormonal teens that also had see through clothes covered in feathers.” Jordan explained her reasoning.

After she finished her sentence I felt stupid. This wasn’t a feeling that I had very often and I had to admit that it wasn’t one that I was found of. The answer was so simple yet my brain hadn’t figured it out. With everything that was happening I should cut it a break. After all I was more focused on knowing what was creeping in the back of Stella’s mind.

“Sorry I’m not really focused right now,” I told Jordan.

“I understand. You have the equivalence to a great white with a grudge,” Jordan laughed but there was nothing funny when you’re swimming and you here that music.

“Well what do you think I should do?” I asked her while we walked together.

Between our deep conversations we would stop and pass out our cards. Some people would just flash us their cards so we didn’t approach them again. It seemed like we had asked every single person near the mall. I thought about it and it still didn’t seem like enough people. Maybe a quarter would show up but I assumed Stella wanted word of mouth.    

“Unless you have a rather large boat I as suggest not going in the water,” Jordan said once again blowing me away with her wisdom.

My heart started pounding in my chest once the Victoria secret store was in sight. I had stolen from that store just the day before. Just the thought of being caught was enough to make me stop. The same horrible guy was leaning over the counter looking at a magazine.

I tried to use reasoning like he might not have done any stock and didn’t know anything was missing yet. With the price tags on those clothes they should have more security than what they had.

“Just take a big breath and move those feet of yours.” Jordan put her hand on my back pushing me into the store.

This makes it the second time I had been pushed into the bright pink store. For the second time I was taken aback by see through clothes, feathers and sparkles. Why would you pay that much for see-through clothes? The whole point of bras and underwear was to cover up your parts, why do the opposite?

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