Inviting The Virgin (13)

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“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I almost shouted, Mimi grabbed the card out of my shaking hands.

            Looking around I should see Stella glaring at me from a distance. My checks burned from embarrassment, she was evil inside and out and was torturing me; All of this because I had made her mad. She was using my virgin nickname to mock me and I didn’t appreciate it.

            “What? How?” I was almost in tears—“I didn’t even think Victoria Secret had a full outfit, I don’t even shop there anyway,” Hysteria was taking over.

            My chest heaved while I started to hyperventilate. Ait came in through my nose but wasn’t being grasped by my lungs; it was if my lungs rejected the air. It took a couple minutes of Mimi standing in my from of me shaking my shoulders for me to grasp some air.

            “Oh my God, do I need to get a brown bag for you to breath in or something?” Her eyes were widened in panic.

            The sound escaping my lungs was screechy, high pitched and loud which should scare anyone. Realizing what I was about to do was overwhelming. Not only did I need to steal clothes from an expensive store but if not I had to face Stella’s rather. I had pissed her off and I knew she was out to get me, now I just needed to figure out what punishment was worse. Jail or social suicide?

            The Virgin of Regal High has to steal from Victoria Secret, how ironic.

            The more I thought about it the better I was feeling. There was a satisfaction in knowing that yet again, I was a threat to her social status; it made me feel empowered. An eerie power hungry smile spread across my was but putting my thoughts into action was going to be much harder.

            There was a conflicting sense of pride and fear working against me.  

            “Come on, Eden. Stella is setting us up to fail. It is obvious that we got the shit end of the stick but it is going to be a great day when we put her to shame,” Mimi didn’t hesitate in grabbing my arm and tugging me across the mall, heading to the escalators.

            On our way up, I people watched. The girls from our group were easily spotted. They were sprinting down the hallways disappearing into their stores. Other large groups of teenage girls mauled through the hallways gawking at the few select group of boys.

            The bright pink lighting was the gates to hell. All it was missing was a moat and bride, possibly some alligators and trolls. There were discrete video camera, black circles on the ceilings and walls. My hands started to sweat just thinking about it.

            “Listening to me carefully, okay Eden.” Mimi instructed standing in front of me.

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