Chapter 74: World of Chances

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So this is the last chapter (not including a special one to be posted shortly). It was going to be split into two, but I hate goodbyes so I won't drag this out too much. Besides, I promised to post the first chapter of the next book when I posted the last one of this. So the sooner I finish this, the quicker I'll get to the next!!! Whee, time jump!! ^_^ 

"Ready for the bonfire?" Kitty asked.

"When is it again?" Julie asked, rubbing her eyes drowsily. 

Kitty gave her a look. "I told you, like, ten seconds ago," she said. "It's after graduation. Bree's place. House party. Bonfire, pool, fun times. Seniors only. And she'll have a special place for just us glee kids out in the terrace, off limits to everyone else. Fun, right?"

"Oh, right," Julie said weakly.

"Stop being so lame!" Kitty exclaimed, laughing. "What is the matter with you? This weekend you were all, 'Whoo we won Nationals!' and now you're barely standing up."

"Lack of sleep," Julie shrugged. "I've had these lyrics stuck in my mind and I had to stay up finishing the song to go along with it, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten sleep at all."

"Well, Beyonce better buy the rights to it if it's going to make you miss out on your final moments of senior year," Kitty sighed. "Come on, Jules, let's go meet up with glee club."

"I will catch up with you in a bit," she said. "Coach Sylvester asked me to drop by her office."

"Ohh, more gifts?" Kitty asked excitedly, still happy about the car she got. 

"I did have to turn down a chihuhua this weekend," Julie pointed out. "Ooh, before I go, are there any particular gifts that you want for graduation?"

Kitty shrugged. "I have no idea..." she mumbled. Julie patted her arm in a think-about-it manner and the two went their separate ways.

["A Place in This World" by Taylor Swift.]

Kitty: I don't know what I want, so don't ask me. 'Cause I'm still trying to figure it out. Don't know what's down this road. I'm just walking. Trying to see through the rain coming down.

Kitty walked down the hall toward the choir room and couldn't help but smile. Since transferring to McKinley, she'd conquered those halls... So what would she be conquering next?

Kitty: Even though I'm not the only one who feels the way I do.

She was great at building an image and she wanted to be involved in politics. But how would those two things blend? She could be some sort of communications coordinator. 

Kitty: I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know. I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on. Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.

Or maybe she should be the politician. She talked big game about being president one day, but when she thought about it she could only picture herself guiding the president, instead.

Kitty: Maybe I'm just a girl on a mission. But I'm ready to fly.

Everyone had a plan and that was hers. She could still be famous, just without having to be in showbiz. It was perfect.

Kitty: I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know. I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on. Oh I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know. Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.

After being greeted by dozens of people, she walked into the choir room and saw Jake sitting down by himself, flipping through his phone while everyone else chatted away. She was worried about him. Everyone else seemed ready to move on. Except for him.

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