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The moment you've all been waiting for... Seriously, I get questions about this ALL the time. 

There's the very coy, "Hey babe, when's the next character contest? :)"

Or the very high-strung one, "omg I NEED the character contest now! hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!11s vjbsjkvhb......................... please!"

Or the subtle, polite one, "Hi, you're such a great writer, Um, I was just wondering if you were going to do a character contest any time soon? You totally should... :)"

Y'all crack me up! Anyway, it's finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#e;4rfgjnjgkbfin !!!!! (this is a slight exaggeration of how you all type when you get excited lol, I love it)

This time around, I'm not looking for two or one... I'm looking for AT LEAST 13!

Two of them are actually going to be recurring, which means they won't be the main characters, of course, but they'll appear a lot. The other 11 are going to be very minor characters with basically no storyline or character development  but they will be needed for a few scenes here and there.


So basically, I'm looking for two people who will be "BFFs" with Julie after the time jump. One is a girl, one is a guy, neither of them is musically/theatrically inclined (so they won't be performers of any sort). They are just people she met while she was in college and now she lives with them. Those are the ones who should have detailed entries, I guess.

And then the randomly generated 11 glee club members. Yup, 11, not 12. Because one of them actually has a semi-important role and was already selected/created. The other 12 can be of any gender and basically all I'll need is their grade in school (and along with that how many years they've been in glee club for), their name, their main talent (singing, dancing, acting), a comparison to an old character (just to get a feel of the role they play in glee club now-- are they the New Mike, the New Brittany, the New Dan, the New Alex, etc.) and their social clique (because what would McKinley be without social cliques). And finally, in one sentence, tell me something interesting about the character that makes them stand out from the rest.

I don't really have much else to give as far as rules this time just because I don't want the entries to be very detailed at all. They are minor characters, like I said, and I don't expect to use them much, but there will be a chapter or two dedicated to establishing who they are now and what not.

So that's basically it. If you want the role for the more important characters, you should give a little more detail (name, sexuality, interests, job, background) but know that I'm not going to dedicate much time to their character development (so don't give them a big 'issue' they are struggling with because I won't give them any time to fix it and get through it so if they start off bulimic, for example, they will stay that way forEeveER!!!!!!!!!34t459tgqi21dfcbjkvlmb  ld nxufb). 

Since y'all seem to like deadlines, I will give one... DECEMBER 13!

That's it! ;)


Also, I hope you saw that I dropped the names of the books. We're just going by seasons because I think that makes it so much easier since it's sort of like a TV show.

Glee: Back to the Top (the third book in the Glee series)Where stories live. Discover now