Chapter 9: Boyfriend Draft

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Alright Jalie/Jyder fans... This is it.

"Ok," Bree said as she gathered the glee girls in a room. "We are obviously all going through some things. It is the fourth week of school and there's already way too much drama to be normal." The girls looked around at each other, knowing very well that that was the truth. "The surprising part," Bree continued, "is probably the fact that I've managed to be the only girl to stay out of drama."

"What do you want us here for?" Marley asked, wanting to get straight to the point. Now that John was in a band with Sam and Ryder, he was going to drop by after work to practice in the choir room. She was anxious to see him, so anxious that even though it was only lunchtime, anything that seemed to slow down the time annoyed her, and this meeting Bree had called was one of those things.

"I thought of a great way to avoid all of the boy drama," said Bree with a smile. She flipped her long hair, which was down and wavy, and said, "We're doing a boyfriend draft."

"A what?" said Amity.

"A boyfriend draft," Bree repeated. "Like fantasy football. It helped us all get mentors and now it's going to help us all get boys in a manner that seems more fair and square."

"As opposed to just letting the guys choose who they want to be with?" Julie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bree laughed. "Honey, you are in no position to decline this," she said. "Trust me, this will work."

"How does this work?" asked Unique curiously.

"It's easy," said Bree, pulling out the sorting hat. "This is what we do. I've put all numbers from one to eight in this hat. One for each of us. We will each pull out numbers and—"

"—I get how the draft works," Unique rolled her eyes. "But how does it happen? I mean, after we go on and choose our—"

"—after making our choices," Bree continued to explain, "then those choices are permanent and unbreakable law. For example, if I were to choose guy A, and one of you becomes involved with guy A, then you will be punished."

"Punished how?" Kitty asked.

"Don't break the rules and you won't have to find out," Bree responded, smiling widely at her and then frowning as she turned back to the other girls. "Are you all in?"

The girls looked nervously at each other. "I think we need a concrete punishment," Harmony said. The rest of them nodded.

"We don't if you don't plan on messing around with someone's boyfriend or girlfriend!" Bree exclaimed, sighing. "That's the point! Anyway... I guess the worst punishment I can come up with is the resignation from glee club."

"What?" Harmony said. "No way!"

Kitty thought about it and then said, "I'll play."

Bree smiled pleasantly at this. "Julie, if you agree to it, you'll be able to enforce this," she said. "You and Kitty are both captains and—"

"You're asking us to bind ourselves to a guy for the year!" Harmony exclaimed. 

"I can't do that," Shana said, shaking her head.

"Not bind yourself to a guy," Bree explained. "You're just binding the guy to you. You are free to be with any other guy who isn't in glee club. But you can't be with any other girl's glee guy. Got it?"

"Wait, there's eight of us and six of them," Unique pointed out. 

"And not everyone here will want to choose a glee guy," Bree shrugged. "So are you all in or what?"

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