26 - Dealing With Pain

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I woke up slowly and looked up. I was underneath a tree and I was butt ass naked. “Where the hell am I?” I asked myself rubbing my head and blinking my eyes. I looked over to my right and saw the two dead wolves laying on the ground. Then all of a sudden everything hit me like a ton of bricks!

“Holy shit!!!” I said. “I gotta get home!!!”

I abruptly jumped up and looked at my wound on my chest, it was completely gone. Nothing left, not even a scare. Thank Goddess for immediate healing.

‘Shit Charlie must be a fucking emotional wreck right now’ I said to my wolf.

‘You think! Get home to my mate now before she kills herself!’ He growled. Damn he’s pissed.

‘Now, I don’t think she would kill herself. She should feel our bond…..oh wait I don’t think she can feel our bond quite yet...’

‘Yeah she’s new to this stuff! Remember dumb ass! Now get the fuck home!!!’ He screamed. Yeah he’s really fucking pissed. I ran over to my ripped clothes and luckily my jeans weren’t ripped. I quickly slide them on and ran all the way back to where I was supposed to meet the pack. Of course their fucking gone! I slept through an entire fucking century!!! (Yeah I may be a little pissed off too)

I shoved my hands into my pockets and when I did I felt my phone in it! I forgot about that too! What the hell is wrong with me! I pulled it out and looked at the screen for the date and everything, ok it’s Tuesday, July 2nd and it’s three o’clock!!! I told Charlie I would be back no later than Sunday period! I was unconscious for almost three fucking days! And right before I was about to call her…

...my phone fucking died. Great. Now how am I supposed to get home? I guess I’ll have to hitch hike. I walked back to the main road, which was dead as fuck (need I remind you), and began walking. It takes four hours to get home and at this rate it will take me a fucking week. I walked probably half a mile when finally a car came into view. I stuck my thumb out and they slowed down, thank Goddess! It stopped and I looked inside to see a man probably around my dads age.

“You okay young man?” He asked.

“Yes sir, I’m fine, I just need a ride back home.”

“Sure hop in.”

“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“It’s fine, where do you live?”

“In Crescent. A town by the beach.”

“Damn! Well I can’t drive you all the way there but I can get you to a bus stop if you’d like?”

“That is absolutely fine sir.”

“Not being rude or anything like that but a? Why don’t you have a shirt on?”

I chuckled and came up with a lie. “Well sir, I got in a fight and the guy ripped my shirt off. We were driving home and he got pissed at me because he thought his girl was cheating on him with me.”

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