Clear Skies

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"No... no! Robin!" Chrom shouted, reaching out for his friend, though it was all too late as a bright flash of light enveloped the Shepherds, bringing them safely to the grounds of Plegia. "Robin... you... you idiot!" The usual stoic, fearless leader was sobbing; he's lost enough, he didn't want to lose someone else dear to him.

Lissa, Morgan, and even Owain had joined Chrom in mourning. "He... he made a promise we'd be together..." Lissa blubbered, falling to her knees. "Why would he do that?!" She slammed her fist into the ground. "Robin... Robin!"

Morgan had found herself quietly sobbing in her brother's arms, unable to accept the fact that he's gone.

Chrom had since wiped his tears, "No... he wouldn't want us mourning him like this, he'd want us to celebrate what happened. He gave his life to ensure that our world would be spared from future grief. The war is finally over, my friends. The Fell Dragon shall never again rise to threaten our world again. All of you have fought valiantly, my words alone cannot express my gratitude to all that were here with us."

Lissa looked up to him, wiping her tears away. "But... what about Robin? What are we to do without him?" She asked, sniffling softly.

"Dry the tears, sister. Robin's still out there... like Naga said, there's a chance he'd survive if our bonds were strong enough. His bond with you alone should be strong enough to ensure his survival." Chrom assured her, offering a gentle smile.

Drying her tears, Lissa nodded in response, a saddened smile on her face. "Yeah.. I won't rest until he comes home. I'll search every corner of the globe, and even the Outrealms if I have to!" Her usual cheerful, determined tone would soon return to her voice.

(Much like at the beginning of Grima's fight, I'll be listing the character's name before their quote. Again, I won't be listing all of the units.)

Frederick: "Well put, milord. Some people are simply too strong to just disappear, this could easily be applied to Robin."

Sumia: "Robin... Thank you for what you've done. I promise not to waste the future you've given us!"

Nowi: "T-That idiot.. If he loved us that much, surely he would've known how much we would've needed him. I'll wait a thousand years for his return if I have to."

Ja'vassa: "Robin will go down in history as a mighty hero, one that would no doubt rival Tiber Septim himself... I only wish I could've told him myself."

Serana: "I hardly knew him, yet I can only feel pity for him."

Frea: "His honor and courage were apparent to all, I only wish for the All-Maker to return him to us. His story isn't over yet."

Cherche: "Minerva says Robin's still here somewhere, that delicious scent of his can't escape the wyvern's senses."

Henry: "Aw, man.. You had to bail on us just as I managed to get a great joke together? Come back, Robin! You can't die like that... it'd make for a better story if you died of laughter!"

Say'ri: "Robin will go down as a legend in Chon'sin. He gave us a future and I will defend it with my life. If you can hear me, come back and help me do so!"

Lucina: "We've been through so much... so much pain and sorrow. Robin, please come back! I cannot bear to lose another person I care for."

Nah: "I'll wait for as long as it takes to see you again, Robin. I've got an awfully long time to do so!"

Owain: "My father was a true hero, one I can never hope to rival. I'll defend the future he gave us with my life."

Morgan: "No... not again. Father, you can't leave me! I need you to come back, please!"

Cynthia: "It was as I told him, justice always prevails. Though, I see no justice in his sacrifice. Robin will be back, I know it!"

As they finished their speeches, Chrom raised the glowing Falchion. "Shepherds, friends, allies... we must now work hard to preserve the future Robin gave us. With every ounce of my being, I promise to do what I can to ensure something like this never happens again." He raised his head towards the blue sky. "If you can hear me, Robin, know that you'll always be one of us. Thank you for everything, my friend."

In the days that followed the victory over Grima, the allied forces had mostly split up. The Shepherds returned to Ylisse while their allies returned to their homelands to mend the scars of war. Serana, Frea, and Odahviing had since said their farewells to Ja'vassa and returned to Tamriel while him and Nowi had finally settled down together in the Ylissean countryside. Chrom has traveled with the remaining Shepherds to stamp out any Risen that might've escaped the Fell Dragon's demise. It was during these travels that they would come across a familiar face in a familiar situation.

Chrom and Lissa shared a disbelieving glance between each other as they approached the unconscious Robin. "There's no way..." The princess muttered as she knelt down. "We can't just leave him here, can we?" She asked, watching as Chrom shook his head.

"Of course not, after everything he's done, that'd be cruel of us." He responded, smiling as Robin's eyes fluttered open. "Ah, I see that you're awake now.. Come on, give me your hand." Chrom suggested, taking the outstretched hand. "Welcome back, Robin... it's over now, thanks to you."

Before he could respond, Lissa wasted no time in practically tackling him into a hug, her signature tears returning. "You idiot! Don't ever do anything like that again!" She ordered, holding him tightly. "I'm not spending the rest of my days as a widow, you hear me?!"

Unable to help it, Robin smiled and tightly hugged her. "I'm sorry, Lissa. I wasn't thinking clearly, though now that I have you in my arms again, I know I made the right choice." He said softly, tears of his own flooding his face. "The air seems... so much cleaner now."

Chrom smiled as he watched the scene, "Come now, the others are eager to see you again." With the original group reunited, they'd make their way for Ylisstol to spread the good news. Now that the war was long past them, it was time to focus on healing their minds, bodies, and spirits. Chrom had a family to raise, Lissa and Robin had a family to start, and altogether, life in Ylisse was finally looking upwards again.

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