A Return to Tamriel

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Now that the group had finally finished their work in the continent of Valm, it was time to finally prepare for the long voyage back home. Though, seeing as the sun had begun dipping below the clouds, Chrom had given the orders to set up camp for the night, feeling it'd be much easier for the group if they had left at full strength. Within less than an hour, the camp had been set up and everything went as smoothly as they normally would. Once it was time to finally sleep, much of the army retired to their tents. Ja'vassa had done that, though he was having difficulties sleeping for some reason. In an attempt to clear his head, the Khajiit had gone for a walk in the nearby forest.

Shortly after he had left the campsite, he had found himself face to face with a familiar... ally. Just like when he left Tamriel, a horde of disembodied eyes and tentacles formed around him. "Your progress is most impressive, Dragonborn." He greeted, his metallic voice sounding as foreboding as always. "You've done well so far in the task I've assigned to you... and your progress in this world is swift. Most impressive indeed."

Unable to help it, Ja'vassa was a little suspicious as to why his master had appeared suddenly; usually, this was to ask for a task to be done. "Thank you, milord. What do you need of me?" He asked, his tone sounding as calm and cautious as always.

"As a result of your progress, I wish to lend you some aid from Mundus.. from those you trust and care for. I would send you back to Tamriel to find those allies and bring them back here until I deem your task complete." Hermaeus Mora explained.

Ja'vassa was taken back a bit, though he nodded in response. "I accept.. though, let me inform Chrom first.. I think he'd appreciate knowing before one of his top soldiers disappears for who knows how long." His master would allow him to do so. "I will collect you in an hour, do not hesitate to inform your leader." And with that, the Daedric Lord had disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Ja'vassa already knew who he wanted to bring back to Ylisse; his fellow Winterhold mage J'zargo, shaman of the Skaal Frea, and of course, his fellow Volkihar Vampire Serana. He had rushed back to camp, fortunately finding that Chrom was still awake, seemingly having the same problems he was.

"Ah, Chrom. I'm glad to see you are awake." Ja'vassa said as he approached him. "I need to inform you of something."

The prince looked to him, slightly confused. "Ja'vassa? What's on your mind, friend?"

"My Lord has requested I briefly return to Tamriel for the next few hours.. My task here has been progressing smoothly and he wishes to lend me allies from back on Tamriel. I believe they will most definitely be helpful in our cause." The Khajiit explained. "I can assure you that you can trust them. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I should likely return before we return to Ylisse."

The explanation was satisfactory for Chrom as he nodded in response, "Right.. make sure you come back soon, no doubt Nah and Nowi would be heartbroken if you just disappeared."

"I would be stupid to leave my wife and daughter behind." Ja'vassa replied, soon heading off for the forest. After returning to where he had last spoken with the Prince of Fate, his master had returned. "If you are ready to return to Tamriel, read your Black Book and you shall return to Apocrypha." Hermaeus Mora ordered, watching as Ja'vassa did just that.

After returning to Oblivion, the Khajiit quickly made his way back to Tamriel. "Ah... feels like it's been an eternity since I was last here.." He muttered, seeing as he was already on Solstheim, he figured his first task would be to meet with Frea. Due to their mutual respect for each other's skills in combat, as well as Ja'vassa's help with the Skaal Village, they've been able to develop a relatively strong bond, so he was confident that she'd go with him.

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