Sorrowful Victory

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While Basilio had worked on creating a diversion for Chrom's group, they had been busy developing a plan to counter Yen'fay's group. They had decided to try and meet their southern enemies halfway, long before they could reach the fort by heading to a place known as the Demon's Ingle. They would no doubt be outnumbered in this battle, so the group would figure out their method of attack. Ja'vassa had rubbed his chin, "Dammit.. that won't work.." He muttered, though Robin looked to him in confusion. "What won't work?" He asked him.

The Khajiit sighed in response, "I believe in this situation, Storm Call would be useful.. but, I can't guarantee you or any of our other allies would be safe from harm." This got Chrom's attention. "What exactly is Storm Call? Another Shout?" He asked, receiving a nod from Ja'vassa. "Yeah.. with the Shout, I can create a powerful thunderstorm, though there's no way of telling where the lightning bolts will strike.. if it hits you, it'll do severe damage. I can't promise that you would be free of harm, or even survive the bolts should they hit you. I could make some resist shock potions, but that all depends on how long it'll take us to arrive at this place."

The prince and tactician looked to each other before glancing at Say'ri. "It's risky, but... how long would it take for us to reach this place?" Robin asked her, though she only shrugged in response. "I do not know.. would likely take a few hours. Are you hoping for him to employ this power, despite the risks?" She raised her eyebrow, though both Robin and Chrom nodded. "Ja'vassa.. why don't you work on making those potions? If Storm Call is as strong as you say it is, then it might be worth risking it." He said to the Khajiit.

"I won't promise I'll have enough ingredients for everyone, but I'll do what I can." He replied, having since climbed into one of the wagons as Chrom had ordered. To keep him company, Nowi and Nah joined him. "So, father.. you hadn't told me you made medicine." The child said, leaning on Ja'vassa's arm. "Who taught you how to do this?"

"My father taught all that I know about alchemy.. he taught a number of important recipes for a variety of potions and poisons." He explained, mixing the first few potions. "Alchemy is as rewarding as it is dangerous.. if you're successful in what you do, it'll serve you well." He smiled towards his daughter, "Unfortunately.. my potions taste horrible, so you'll have to try and stomach it the best you can, sweetheart." He added, receiving a nod from the child.

"Do you think you might be able to teach me in the future?" Nah asked, watching as he mixed his ingredients. Ja'vassa nodded in response, "Of course I will, love. As soon as this war is over, we'll have plenty of time to do so." This caused Nah to smile happily, hugging her father. Nowi watched the two in the background, soon joining in on the hug. "I'm glad you two get along so well." She said happily, nuzzling her husband. "I'm glad as well.. it feels nice to finally have a family again.." The Khajiit said softly.

For the next few hours, the trip would go about the same with Ja'vassa's family. Them talking about various things while he had made up the potions. Once arriving, the usually strong and stoic Khajiit looked considerably weaker here; the sunlight already weakened him, but the extreme heat of the Demon's Ingle did little to help him. Nowi looked at him with obvious concern, "Are you alright, Ja'vassa?" She asked, holding his hand. "I'm.. I'm fine.. I just.. I don't know if I'll be alright with the heat.. I've never faced anything like this." Ja'vassa responded, clinging to his wife as he struggled to stay on his feet. "I'm sorry, Robin... but I'm gonna have to hang back for the time being." He paused, using a Frostbite spell on himself in an effort to keep cool. "I can provide support through my Shouts and magic, but I doubt I'll be all that useful to you."

Robin nodded to him, "Right.. you should hang back for now, we'll worry about the fight." He assured him, "Though.. did you manage to finish those potions? They might be useful in case the enemy has Thunder magic." To that, Ja'vassa nodded. "Yeah... I should have enough for everyone." He had distributed the potions as necessary, once the battle actually begins I'll use Storm Call.. and as soon as that happens, drink it." Those who collected the potions, nodded in response.

Worlds Collide: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim x Fire Emblem: AwakeningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora