Chapter 22 - You're a sight for sore eyes

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Grace P.O.V.

February dragged by. The joy seemed to have been completely sucked out of the air. March had arrived and spring was on its way, but so was my birthday, March 22nd. I hated my own birthday, I hated the attention. It fell on a Friday, after class I made my way up to the common room, the amount of homework I had was unreal. I answered the riddle and the door swung open, I was met with everyone gathered around and all shouted "SURPRISE!" As I walked in. I looked around the room and they had decorated with streamers and birthday banners, Lucas came over and hugged me "didn't think we'd let your 18th birthday slide by without celebrating did you?" Lisa was next followed by a stream of other fellow Ravenclaws. I couldn't help but grin, I felt like we all needed this distraction. To my surprise they had gotten a few gifts together for me and also had my parents presents and card waiting for me to open. An hour had passed by and spirits were high, it made my heart happy. There was music playing, people were having fun and laughing, it was how everything was supposed to be. 

"Grace." Padma shouted over the noise. "This just arrived for you." She handed me an envelope and went back to the party. I recognised the handwriting instantly and my heart stopped. Draco. I opened the envelope, my hands shaking slightly. 

Meet me by the lake at 9pm, don't worry about getting caught - Draco

He didn't sign it off with his usual "Love always" which made me a bit sad. I just over an hour to get ready. I ran up to the dormitory and jumped in the shower, I didn't know how long I'd get with Draco but I was going to make sure I looked good. I washed my hair and used my favourite shower gel that smelt like almonds, it may sound daft but it made me feel good about myself. I got out the shower and dried my hair. I decided curl it and do a couple of braids around, a half up half down style. I then did my make up, my usual light smokey eye a nude lip. Next was trying to decide what to wear. I rifled through my drawers and settled on some blue skinny jeans, they were figure hugging and very flattering on the bum. I picked a white camisole top that had lace trim around the v-neck, a gold necklace with a gold disc on it that had our family coat of arms on it, my birthday present from my parents, and lastly a pale pink knitted cardigan. It may be spring but it was still chilly. I pulled on my white pumps and spritzed myself with my perfume and looked in the full length mirror. There was one thing missing. I walked over to my trunk and pulled out a small little box,I opened it and smiled down at the ring Draco had gotten me the first Christmas we had together. I slid it on my finger, perfect. I made my way back to the common room with 10 minutes to spare before having to leave. Lucas looked me up and down, he was obviously holding in some comment about where I was going. Lisa gave me a hug, "You look stunning as always." She grinned. "Just don't let anyone catch you." She said genuinely worried for me. 

I had to stop myself from breaking out into a run to get to the lake and see Draco. This was so stupid, I hadn't heard from him in 3 months. He could just be here to tell me where I stand. As I got closer the the lake I could make out a faint light flickering, then I realised there was quite a few lights flickering, candles. They were surrounding a blanket on the floor with various cushions on it looking out over the lake. "May I?" A voice came from behind me. I turned to see Draco stood with his arm held out for me to take. I grinned at him like and idiot and happily obliged. He walked us to the blanket and motioned to me to sit down. He took his place next to me, "God You're a sight for sore eyes Hawthorne." He said surveying me. 

"Likewise, Malfoy." He let out a small chuckle.

"Listen, I, yet again, owe you an explanation." He started. "I would go to the ends of the earth to protect you Grace. I would do anything. Even if it mean distancing myself or using my families influence to scare others into submission. I'd face a firing squad for you. Anything." 

"Draco, just shut up and kiss me." I said to him. He grinned and closed the tiny gap between us pulling me into him. It was a deep kiss full of longing and intimacy. I just wanted to be close to him. His lips were soft and breath minty. He pulled back and ended the kiss much to my dismay. He smiled and picked my necklace up to examine the circular pendant. 

"I like it." He smiled. "We'll obviously have to get you a Malfoy one to match when we are married." He smirked playfully.

"Ohhh, is that so." I laughed laying down looking up at the stars in the sky. "Grace Malfoy. Has a certain ring to it doesn't it." I grinned as he lay down next to me. 

"It does doesn't it. Grace Malfoy." He repeated. 

Draco's P.O.V,

I turned on my side to look at Grace, she look as gorgeous as always. The candlelight dancing off her pale skin, her hair perfect, her smell, everything was just perfect about her. "Promise me something Grace." I stated more than asked.

"Go on..." She said turning to face me.

"When this is all over and done with, we will go and see the world together." She grinned and nodded. "There's a whole wide world out there, full of big cities and culture and music and food. And I want to see it all and experience it all with you. Just the two of us." She kissed my on my forehead.

"There's nothing more in this world that I want." She smiled as she lay on her back again.

We lay together looking up at the stars. We were talking about where we would go first, what we would do. She was pointing out constellations to me and explaining them, astrology wasn't my strong point. Two hours had passed by in what felt like a blink of an eye and it was 11pm. "I have to go now Grace." I said causing her to sit bolt upright all of a sudden. I followed and put my arm around her. She nestled into my side and put her head on my shoulder. 

"I wish tonight would never end" she sighed. I stood up offering my hand for her which she took. As she stood up I pulled her into a kiss. One that was laced with want, need, desire, you name it. We heard a throat clear behind us. Snape. I broke the kiss and looked at him irritability. 

"Time is up." He stated. I looked at Grace who had a single tear rolling down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb. I kissed her forehead and whispered to her.

"I love you Grace Hawthorne." I stepped back and disapparated back home.

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