Chapter 6 - Everyone Will Know

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Grace P.O.V.

A few weeks had past since Draco and I's first kiss. We spent every spare minute we had together. I couldn't get enough of him. We would talk for hours on end, kiss for hours on end, even just lay in silence together for hours on end drinking up each other presence. We had managed to keep it a secret so far, we  wanted to enjoy the first few weeks without the judgment of others. As Draco pointed out, he is t well liked, not that it bothers him, he was more worried for me. The only people who knew were Padma and Lisa, and Blaise and Goyle. Pad,a and Lisa did question my choice when I first told them, but by the end of the conversation they were just happy I was happy. Blaise and Goyle on the other hand seemed to be very against us being together. They kept muttering to Draco about some task that he needed to focus on. When I asked what they were on about Draco just said it was homework.

We in transfiguration class when Professor McGonagall announced we would be working in pairs. There was a buzz of excitement in the room at the thought of being able to work with your friend. "Settle down." McGonagall said to us all. "Now, before you get any ideas, I will be selecting your partner." I shot Lisa a sad look which she returned and I heard Draco sigh loudly behind me. McGonagall held up a parchment with she had obviously charmed. It began writing names in pairs. 

"Hermione Granger & Gregory Goyle." Called out McGonagall which was followed by a lot of laughter coming from Blaise & Draco behind me at the Slytherin table. 

"Harry Potter & Grace Hawthorne." She called out next. Draco went deadly silent. My heart was racing and palms were sweating. "Shit." I whispered under my breath. Lisa heard me and let out a small laugh that only I could hear. I playfully hit her arm and mouthed her to "Get lost" whilst trying not to laugh. This is going to be testing. 

McGonagall finished rhyming off the partners that the parchmet had selected and told us to sit in our pairs. I was begging Harry silently not to turn around and come over and I'd go to him but before I knew it he was sat in what was Lisa's chair. I heard Draco shift behind me. He had been paired with Blaise, they got lucky. 

"Hi Harry." I said politely as he sat next to me. He gave me a big smile back as he sat down.

"I've not seen you around for a few weeks Grace, where've you been?" He asked.

"Studying mostly." I lied. 

"Explains why you're the top of every class. Hermione is so jealous." He laughed. I laughed back, I didn't want to seem rude but I was so painfully aware the Draco was right behind us. I could feel him glaring into the back of our heads. 

"This will be a theoretical task." McGonagall began, "I want you to work together to write 4 rolls of parchment on Human Transfiguration. The dangers, the good side, the bad side, the whole lot of it." As soon as she had finished speaking g the school bell rang signalling the class being over. 

"Do you want to meet in the library tonight, 6:30pm? We can make a start." Harry asked. 

"Sure, I'll  see you then." I smiled at him. 

Harry began to walk away so I turned to look at Draco, he was staring at me, I don't think he even blinked. I didn't want to provoke him so I gathered my stuff and made my way to the door. Just as I was about to walk through it Draco came rushing up behind me, grabbed me by the arm and dragged me outside the classroom to a secluded spot. 

"Enjoy your little flirt with Potter?" He spat at me. 

"You're being ridiculous Draco." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"There is not a chance in hell you are meeting him tonight." He said back to me with a certain level of anger in his voice. He gripped my arm tighter. I shook free from his grip.

"You do not tell me what I can and can't do Draco Malfoy." I said through gritted teeth. I pushed past him knocking his shoulder and made my way to my next lesson. I could t concentrate all afternoon. Who does he think he is! 

Draco's P.O.V.

It was nearing 6:15pm. I had told myself I wasn't going to go to the Library to keep an eye on Potter. I was going to either stay here in the common room or go and work on my task.

"Not going to the library Malfoy? You do know Potter has the major hots for your girlfriend don't you? He never takes his eyes off her." Blaise said with a smug smirk on his face.

"Fuck off Blaise, I don't need to hear it." I spat back at him. 

"Well if you don't want to witness Potter making the moves on your girl then maybe work on your task. You are behind. Way behind." Goyle whispered loudly to me from across the sofa. 

"If it was me..." began Blaise, "and that was my girlfriend, I would be in that library making my presence known. Hell I'd be letting the whole school know that she's mine and that she's no longer up for grabs, might stop every male in the building stop staring so dreamily after her." 

I stood up and made my way to the library, there is no way I could just sit here whilst the girl I loved was getting chatted up by Harry Potter. 

I arrived in the library and saw them both sat together at a table, books piled beside them and fresh parchment infront of them. Potter was obviously telling Grace some story, she was listening to him intently. After he finished whatever it was he was saying the both started laughing. They were promptly shushed by a neighbouring table. The giggled quietly between them. I could feel the pure hatred and anger I had towards him heighten even more. 

The table directly across from them was free. I grabbed a book and dropped it loudly on the table. I sat down facing them without looking at either of them until I had picked my book up and half hidden behind it. Grace looked as though she was blushing and couldn't make eye contact with me and Potter looked between us puzzled. He shook it off and they began their studying. 

Grace had gone quite quiet with Harry which made me happy. Although she still laughed and his shit jokes and tutored him if he got anything wrong. They finished their study session and had got most of their assignment done from what I overheard. I was listening intently to the whole thing. 

The started to make their way out of the library so I snapped my book shut, left it on the table and followed. As they reached the door Harry turned to Grace, a flirty glint in his eye. "Would you like me to walk you back to you common room?" He asked. 

"No need Potter." I said approaching them. I put my hand around Grace's wait and pulled her into my side protectively. I looked down at Grace who was trying not to smile at my touch. 

"Maybe some other time Harry." She said being the amazingly polite person she always is. 

Harry was staring down at ,y hand around her waist until she spoke to him. He knew she was mine now and this gave me deep satisfaction. He looked up at her when she spoke then looked at me. I could see the hatred pouring out of him.

"You are joking. Him? Why him?" He seethed at Grace. I could feel her lean into me a bit more, I looked down at her face and she looked hurt. This awakened a part of me that I'd never really seen before. I felt protective and territorial over her. Seeing the hurt look on her face made me want to hit him right there and then but I knew this would upset Grace. 

"Because, unlike you Potter, she actually has taste in who she hangs around with." I sneered at him. "So why don't you run along to your little common room with your little mudblood mates and braid each other's hair."

I started walking away with my arm around Grace's waist and she instinctively started walking next to me. 

"The whole school will know by tomorrow morning you know." She stated, "Does that bother you?" She asked looking up at me with a worried look in her eye.

"Not in the slightest." I said grinning. The thought of everyone knowing she was mine made me proud. I wanted to show her off as mine every chance I could. 

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