Chapter 10 - So it's True?

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Draco's P.O.V.

It had been two days since Grace was tortured. She still hadn't spoken, she spent most of it asleep and the time that she was awake she stared off into the distance expressionless and emotionless.  Mother said that this was normal for someone who had just been attacked as severely as Grace had, she said that she will come back around soon. I never left her side, I wanted to be there when she did come back, I wanted to be the first person she saw. We had moved an armchair next to her bed for me and I sat with her and chatted and read to her, I even slept on the armchair, I was not letting her out of my sight. 

It Christmas Eve tomorrow, it's supposed to be a joyous occasion, our first Christmas together, this is not how I pictured it at all. How could I have let this happen? I spoke to my mother regarding the situation I was in and I had two choices, tell her everything or we could do a memory charm so she forgot about the torture she was submitted to and break up with her, push her far away from me. As selfish as it sounds, I can't live without her. 

Grace P.O.V.

I stared to wake up, it must have been the dead of night. My whole entire body was aching. My eyes were still closed, vivid pictures of what had happened to me creeping across my mind. I snapped open my eyes trying to stop the memories replaying again. I looked to my right to see Draco asleep in an armchair next to me. A small smile crossed my face, then I remembered that what happened to me was all to do with him. I had so many unanswered questions. 

"He's never left your side you know." Narcissa said from my left side as she was putting a glass of water down on my bedside table. "He loves you so much Grace" She said tears spilling out of her eyes. Draco shifted in his chair but never woke. "It's nice to have you back with us."

I stayed silent for another moment, still trying to process everything. "I need a bath." I said to Narcissa. She smiled and walked into the en-suite and began running me one. She came back when it was ready and helped me out of bed. My whole body was stiff, my joints were aching and my muscles sore. She helped me out of my pyjamas and into the bath. I couldn't care less at this point who saw me naked. The hot water engulfed my body and it was heavenly. My muscles relaxed and my joints weren't as tense. This was what I needed. I asked Narcissa to stay with me, I didn't want to be alone just yet. She happily obliged, we just sat in silence as I let the hot water do it's thing. She helped me wash my hair and I washed my body. I was starting to feel a bit more human. 

I got out of the bath and Narcissa knew a charm which dried my hair instantly, I made a mental note to ask her to teach me as soon as I was back to full health. "Here, drink this." She said returning to the bathroom with a small vile. "It's a health tonic, it will help." She smiled at me. I put my hair up in a messy bun, quietly went through my clothes so I didn't wake Draco. He looked awful.  I put on some black leggings and a long, slightly off shoulder grey jumper. I pulled on some thick dark blue socks to keep my feet warm and made my way downstairs. Narcissa was waiting in the living room for me, she had made us tea. I sat on the sofa as she poured me a cup full and placed it next to me. Without thinking I started to stir it with a charm my mother taught me which basically meant it stirred itself as a motioned my finger in a circular rotation above the cup. I was staring off into the distance, one leg folded under me on the sofa and the knee of my other pulled into me. "I'll go get some toast made for you. You need to eat." Narcissa said, I smiled back at her feebly and she left the room. I was staring off into the distance again, memories flying through my mind. I had so many questions, so many. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Draco shouting. "Grace! Grace, where are you?!" He came thundering down the stairs, panic in his voice. He burst into the living room and saw me sat on the sofa next to the fire stirring my tea. "Oh thank god." He sighed holding his hand to his heart. He stood in the doorway, uncertain what to do. "I think I owe you an explanation." He sighed. Draco walked over and sat on the sofa opposite me, disappointment washed over me, even after everything I craved for him to be close to me.

We spent the 2 hours talking. He told me everything. "So it's true?" I asked after he finished telling me everything. "You're a Death Eater." I stated more than asked. He nodded silently and hesitantly pulled up his left sleeve showing me his Dark Mark. I didn't know how to react. I always thought that even if there was some truth to it all, I would stick by Draco, but now being in this situation things are different. Having to endure such torture and pain, all because of his task, it made things different. I must have been silent for a long time, processing my thoughts because Draco's next words shocked me. "I'll, erm, go gather your things together. We can get a port key and have you at your families house in no time." He cleared his throat and stood up starting to make his way out of the room. 

"I don't care Draco." The words escaped my mouth without me realising. The truth is, I didn't. "I don't care if you're a Death Eater. I don't care about your tasks. The only thing I care about is you. I love you Draco." The tears were freely flowing out of my eyes. There was only one thing I was certain of. I loved this boy, I would stand by him no matter what. He came bounding over to me and knelt on the floor in front of me where I was still sat. He took my hand in his and was staring straight into my eyes. I'd missed his touch.

"I love you more than you will ever know Grace Hawthorne." He said wiping away one of my tears. I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. At this his mother finally returned to the room. She had never come back with my toast, I have a sneaking suspicion she was waiting outside the door all this time. 

"Time for some breakfast I think." She said beaming at the both of us and wiping away a rogue tear. "We will eat in the kitchen in the breakfast nook."

Draco turned back to me smiling as he stood up still holding onto my hand. I got up and walked alongside him as we made our way to the kitchen, never breaking his touch. 

"What day is it?" I asked, genuinely confused. Draco let out a small chuckle.

"It's Christmas Eve." He smiled at me as he raised my hand that was still interlocked with his to his mouth and kissed the back of it. 

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