Chapter 15 - I Never Loved You

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Grace P.O.V.

The morning came around all too quickly. I wanted the night to never end. My head was on Draco's chest, I could tell by his breathing he was still asleep. I quietly and carefully left the bed, smirking at our ties on either of the bed posts whilst subconsciously rubbing my wrists where they left marks. I went into his en-suite and turn the shower on. As the hot water washed over me my mind wandered back to the previous night. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the shower door open behind me. Draco stood staring at me with a look of amazement, drinking in every part of me. "Well, don't just stand there, I need my back scrubbing." I winked at him. 

After our very steamy shower, I got dressed and fixed my hair, I decided to do it the same as the first day that I started at Hogwarts, which to my surprise Draco remembered. "I like your hair like that, it reminds me of the first time I ever saw you." He smiled fondly at me from across the room putting his shoes on. We were both ready and made our way to the great hall. He kissed me on the cheek just as we entered. "I love you." He whispered in my ear and before I could answer he made his way over to the Slytherin table.

"Katie's back." Announced Cho as she sat down across from me followed by Lisa. Katie walked into the hall and was met with a lot of stares from people. ,y eyes instantly shot to Draco, he had frozen in his spot. I looked over to see Katie talking to Harry. They both looked at Draco, his face looked even paler than normal. "Anyway, where were you all night?" Cho asked. I shrugged off what I was looking at as just two boys who didn't get on and filled Cho and Lisa in on the night. Obviously leaving a few parts out such as being tied to the bed most of the night whilst Draco worshipped every part of my body he physically could. 

"Ya know, I'm beginning to like the pale faced prat. He gives you a certain glow Grace, it suits you." Lisa chuckled from across the table. 

"C'mon you, we have to get to transfiguration, McGonagall won't be pleased if were late." I grinned at her. 

We were halfway through class and Draco or Harry hadn't yet appeared. I was actually beginning to worry now. What if it was more than just a stare down. The bell went signalling the end of class. I'd barely made it out the door when Blaise came running over to me. "Grace!" He managed between gasps of air. My stomach dropped. "Draco, he's in the hospital wing." He managed to say whilst clutching his side from a stitch. "He's asking for you." My heart was beating in my throat, what the hell has happened for him to end up there. Blaise turned on his heels and headed back towards the wing, closely followed by me. As we burst through the doors Snape was stood at his bedside whispering with Madam Pomfrey. 

"Draco." I barely chocked out. He was asleep in his bed. There looked as though there was a lot of bloody bandages next to his bedside. "What happened?" I between Snape and Madam Pomfrey. She picked up the bandages and left. I perched on the side of his bed and took his hand in mine. It was cold and clammy, nothing like his usual warm touch. 

"There was an incident." Drawled Snape. "Involving another student. It is being dealt with Miss Hawthorne." 

"What sort of incident?" I asked eyeing Draco warily. "Will he be ok?"

"He'll be fine. He just needs rest. And apparently you, he would stop calling your name as soon as we got him into the bed. I have agreed with Madam Pomfrey that you may stay the night in the bed next to him, just to keep the peace of the hospital wing." 

I smiled at Snape, I felt as though I could kiss him for that! "Thank you so much, Sir." 

He nodded curtly and left taking Blaise with him. I sat on the chair next to Draco's bed waiting to see if he would wake. A couple of hours must have passed by as the sun was beginning to set over the grounds. Draco's eye snapped open. His face solemn and serious. "Grace." He said not turning to look at me. "I need you to listen to me. Things are about to change, change for the worse.." he continued staring at the ceiling not making eye contact with me. "From now on I want you to leave me alone Grace. We're over. It was fun whilst it lasted but it's run it's course." Tears started flowing freely down my face.

"Are you really doing this now Draco? You're breaking up with me?" I wiped the tears from under my eyes. He didn't answer me, just carried on staring at the ceiling. "You could at least have the respect to look at me." I spat at him, anger brewing in the out of my stomach. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"Is that what you need to hear?" He asked and turned his head so his eyes were staring into mine. Without even flinching he said "I don't love you anymore Grace. I never loved you in the first place" I nodded and bit my lip, tears still flowing freely. I stood up and walked calmly out the hospital wing and held it together until I got to Ravenclaw Tower. I opened the door into the dormitory to find it empty. I lay down on my bed and began sobbing freely.

Draco's P.O.V.

Grace had just walked out, as soon as she was out of earshot I let my emotions overwhelm me and began to silently cry. I know it's the right thing to do. Even Snape said so. But it didn't make it any easier. How was I supposed to carry on a relationship with the girl of my dreams whilst keeping it a secret from The Dark Lord. He's already used her against me once at Christmas, now that things will be different after tonight, I couldn't risk her getting hurt again. I love her with all my heart. It would destroy me to think that I couldn't protect her. After a few minutes of debating whether to run after her, I realised the time. Tonight was when I had to carry out my task. I sat up in the bed and swung my legs around so my feet were on the cold concrete floor. It's time. 

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