Chapter 9 - I see the way you look at her

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Grace P.O.V.

As we pulled up to the station and departed the train I said my goodbyes to my friends gave them their Christmas cards and gifts. I turned and searched the platform for Draco. It didn't take long to find his white hair in the crowd. He was already watching me and smiled as my eyes found his. He outstretched his arm and held out his hand waiting for me to cross the platform to him. I interlocked my fingers with his as soon as I was within reaching distance and he led me towards his mother. Almost instantly nerves began to fill my body. What if she doesn't like me? I thought to myself, Draco and his mother are close, one bad word from her and I'll be gone. 

As we approached his mother she hugged Draco deeply, it made me miss my mothers hugs. She then turned to me. "Draco has told me so much about you." She said almost welling up. She then pulled me into a hug also. Why people didn't like the Malfoy family I was failing to see. 

We travelled to Malfoy manor via port key. We arrived in the entrance hall which had a large Christmas tree all lit up with candles and a large fireplace with a roaring fire burning. "Why don't you show Grace up to her room, Draco?" 

Draco smiled down at me, "C'mon Hawthorne. I'll give you the tour." He winked. As we made our way up the stairs I could have sworn I heard voices coming from the dining room but shrugged it off when I saw no reaction from Draco. 

"This is your room." He stated opening a door to the right of the hallway. It revealed a very large room, bookcases lined the wall to my right, an en-suite off to the left, a large wardrobe and a very large king size bed. The walls were painted a deep purple and all the furniture a dark wood. The big windows let in a lot of light so the room could carry off such darkness. "This is your bed." Draco stated walking over to it and sitting on the end of it smirking. I walked over to him returning his flirty smile. I stood in front of him as he reached up and pulled me closer his hands on my waist slowly working their way down to my bum. I leaned down to kiss him but just before our lips touched a house elf appeared announcing that dinner was served and we'd be seated in the dining room. "Fuck, can't a guy get a break!" Draco uttered. I laughed at these words and pulled him up to his feet. 

After we had eaten our dinner we spent time with his mother. We were sat talking most of the night in the living room. It was perfect. Draco left his mother and I to go get us all a drink. She was smiling at me from the sofa opposite. "I have to say Grace, Draco has never brought a girl home before. He's never even mentioned any girls to us before." I blushed, I didn't know what to say. "I see the way he looks at you, It's like he's seeing you for the first time every time. The way you move around each other as if perfectly in sync and knowing what the other is about to do. You're like a pair of magnets" She was smiling at me but also looked as though she was welling up. "I love my son greatly, so seeing him so genuinely happy and in love just makes my heart happy." I grinned at these words. We still hadn't told each other that we loved one another but it was only a matter of time. As if on cue Draco came back into the room. He handed me my glass of water and took his seat next to me. He put his arm around me on the back of the sofa and instinctively inched in closer to his side without realising. The whole time Narcissa watching us still on the verge of happy tears. 

"What's wrong?" Draco asked his mother sounding concerned. 

"Nothing Draco, I'm just...happy." She smiled wiping away a tear that escaped. 

After another half an hour of getting the chance to quiz Narcissa on what Draco was like as a child, sadly my eyes were starting to get heavy. "I think it's bed time." Draco stated looking down at me, he must have seen my slow blink. 

"I think you're right." I replied stifling a yawn. We said goodnight to Narcissa who reprimanded me for calling her Mrs Malfoy, I was to refer to her by her first name she told me whilst grinning. 

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