Chapter 19 - I'll take those

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Grace P.O.V.

It was about 1pm, Draco and I had been together since 9am and I became painfully aware that I hadn't eaten yet. My stomach let out a loud growl. "Guess I shouldn't have skipped breakfast." I said rubbing my stomach. Draco smiled and kissed the top of my head that was resting on his chest. 

"I should get going, my mother will be wondering where I am." Dread filled me, I shot upright. "Hey," Draco said soothingly. "I will be back, don't worry. There's nothing that will keep me from you Grace." He said as he kissed my shoulder. Relief washed over me. We readjusted ourselves and made sure we had all items of clothing back on. 

"What am I supposed to do with these?" I questioned holding my ripped underwear up. Draco took them out of my hand and put them in his pocket. 

"I'll take those." He grinned devilishly at me. He pulled me into a hug, his smell washed over me, it's what I missed the most. He smelt like freshly mown grass and clean linen. I loved it. He tilted my head up by putting a finger under my chin and kissed me gently. "I'll see you soon Grace." He released me and before I could ask when, he was gone. I made my way back up to the house and into the kitchen, I was starving. As I began preparing a salad for my lunch my mother walked in and sat on one of the stools at the kitchen island. 

"Enjoy your morning with Draco?" She asked. This caught me off guard. 

"How did you know?" I asked turning to face her. She let out a small laugh.

"Darling, with everything going on do you think that we wouldn't have some sort of security measures in place? The minute someone apparate or disapparate's on this property we are notified. So naturally your father wanted to make sure you were ok, got a bit more than he bargained for when he finally reached where you were." She chuckled and I blushed. Shit, what did he see? "We'd be stupid to think that you weren't having sex with Draco, you're both nearly 18 and going into your last year at school. We're not stupid. We remember what it was like at that age. Your fathers hands were always wondering..."

"Mum! I don't need to hear this." I interrupted sternly. I do not need to hear about my parents sexual endeavours.

She found my obvious discomfort highly amusing. "Ok Dear, just promise me one thing. You are being careful?" I looked at her in disbelief. I turned back around and continued making my salad. I heard an uncomfortable throat clear from the door. Dad. Oh god.

"Grace..." he began and cleared his throat again. "I see things are, erm, serious with the Malfoy boy." He cleared his throat once more. "Maybe you should invite him over for dinner. So we can formally meet him and get to know him. After all, he's defiling my daughter."

"Dad!" I shouted as turned to face him. My mother let out a loud laugh from her stool and my Dad joined in. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I just couldn't resist." He laughed as he walked over to my mother and put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Believe me, your mother was quite the enchantress at your age too. Still is now." He winked at her.

"Oh my god. If you are both quite finished I would like to eat my lunch without the threat of vomiting it back up." I picked up my bowl and made my way passed them out the back door to sit at the table and chairs outside. I could hear them giggling from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and ate my lunch wondering when I would get to see Draco again. 

Draco's P.O.V. 

It had nearly been two weeks since I saw Grace. We wrote to each other every day but I longed to be in her presence. She was due to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow so this would be my last chance to see her for a while. It was about 8pm and I couldn't wait any longer. I excused myself from the dinner table under the premise that I wanted an early night. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. I disapparated and next thing I knew I was in Grace's garden. I snuck into the house through the back door and made my way upstairs. Shit, I'd never been in her room. How do I know which is hers out of these doors, there's loads of them. Down the end of the corridor I could see a door slightly ajar, soft lighting pouring through the gap and faint piano playing in the back ground. I stepped lightly down the corridor and peeked through the gap. It was Grace's room. She was laying over and armchair next to a large bookcase reading. She looked to engulfed in the book, I'm sure that she wouldn't even notice if I walked in. I smiled at the sight of her. Her hair was down and wavy, she had no make up on and was in my favourite nightie if hers, the blue silk one. I gently pushed the door open and as I guessed, she didn't even look up from her book. I closed it quietly behind me. Still nothing. I couldn't stop the stupid grin that crept across my face. I cleared my throat loudly to announce my arrival. She just about jumped out of her skin. She stared at me for a second then came running over to me and launched her self at me. I caught her and she wrapped her legs around me. We hugged like this for a minute or so. She dropped her legs from around me and I placed her back on the floor. She had the biggest smile on her face, this made me so happy. She went onto her tip toes, which is one of the most adorable things she does, and kissed me softly. "I couldn't wait any longer to see you. And this might be the last time for a while, you go back to school tomorrow." She pouted at this. I ran my thumb across her bottom lip that was jutting out and smiled. "I'll still write you every single day." I smiled hopefully at her. 

"I know but I just want to be with you. Literally all the time." She added to the end of her sentence. 

"Well you've got me for the night Hawthorne. I am yours to do with what you wish." 

"Well, Mr Malfoy..." she said with a seductive tone. "...I'm sure there are a few things that I can think of." She said as she led me towards the bed by my tie. 

The night passed by all to quickly. We stayed up talking all night as well as kissing and just worshiping each other. I do hope her parents bedroom isn't close by. It was 6am, neither of us had slept and it was time to say goodbye. "I love you Grace. If you have any problems at school I want you to tell Blaise and Goyle, they will be there and they are the only ones who know we are back together." She nodded at me as a rouge tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away and held her head softly in my hands. I looked into her big blue eyes letting myself get lost once more. 

"Wait..." She said running to her desk, she opened the drawer and pulled out a small photo. "The photographer took this the night of the ball, I want you to have it in case you forget what I look like." She handed me the small picture, it was of her and my mother sat together laughing. They moved laughing and smiling with each other, I could hear Grace's laugh just looking at the photo. I put it in my suit pocket. 

"As if I would ever forget anything about you Grace." I kissed her one last time and left. 

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