Chapter 3 - You're going to get caught.

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Grace P.O.V.

It had been a long first day and I already had plenty of homework to get on with. I went back to the dormitory after we had eaten dinner and changed into a comfier out fit. I opted for an off the shoulder jumper and some back jeans with rips in the knee. They were my favourite, stretchy, comfortable and very flattering on the bum! I went down to the common room to start on some of my work but it was far too crowded and noisy. I made the executive decision to go off to the library. I said goodbye to Padma, Lisa and Lucas and made my way out of Ravenclaw Tower to find the library. 

I managed to find my way fine, it wasn't too crowded and it was nice and quiet. I looked for the charms book I needed and claimed a very comfy looking armchair. I must have been completely wrapped up in my book because when I looked up the library was empty and it was pitch black outside. 

A little wave of panic hit me as I realised I wasn't just out of bed after curfew, but I also needed to find my way back to the tower. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. I snapped my book shut, placed it back on the shelf, and began my journey back to the dormitory. 

Draco's P.O.V. 

I'd finished up for the night in the room of requirement. My first night working on my task was very unsuccessful. How the hell am I meant to fix a vanishing cabinet? It must have been about midnight, the corridors were perfectly still and silent so as you can imagine, I was surprised to hear footsteps coming towards me from the corridor to my left that was just about to join mine. Before I knew it a flash of red hair came quickly around the corner and ran straight into me. It was Grace. What was she doing out of bed so late? I looked down into her perfect blue eyes and saw the panic in them. Before I had chance to ask her if everything was ok I heard more footsteps gaining on us from behind me. I grabbed Grace's arm and pulled her into a little archway in the corridor where she came from so that we were hidden from view. I put my finger over my mouth so she knew to be quiet. 

The footsteps carried on down the corridor and didn't try to find us. I sighed as they were out of earshot. I looked down at Grace who was looking up at me almost blushing. I then realised that we were stood just inches from each other  squeezing ourselves into the archway. I was still holding her arm and it felt like electricity was flowing between us. My stomach was doing somersaults. 

Her eyes were twinkling in the moonlight that was coming in from the window across the hall. "You need to be careful Hawthorne." I said releasing her arm reluctantly and let out a small smile. "You're going to get caught." She smiled back at me. 

"Good job you were skulking around the corridors after hours then." She smirked at me. She was wearing a jumper that was showing her shoulder and collar bone, she was looking irresistible. "I know you don't like me Draco, but please could you help me find Ravenclaw Tower. I'm lost." My heart dropped when she said the first part of her sentence. But then hearing the panic in her voice in the second part made me want to protect her and always be there for her. I let out a small laugh. "Of course Hawthorne, this way." I gestured to the corridor we came from.

At first we were both silent walking along together, an air of longing and desire was around us. She broke the silence first. "How are your parents?" She asked at an attempt to ease the palpable desire. The the look of realisation hit her, she remembered what had happened over the summer, that father had been sent to Azkaban. She stopped walking horrified with what she had just said to me. "I'm so sorry Draco, I didn't think."

"Don't worry about it." I said as I stopped walking next to her giving her a reassuring look. We continued on, me guiding her back to her dormitory. She braved another question. "How is your mother holding up?"

I don't know why but I had no issue with opening up to Grace. "Shit to be honest. We have 'fallen from grace' I believe is how the Daily Prophet worded it. A lot of our friends have turned their backs on us, don't want to have anything to do with us. That is apart from your mother. She's one of the good ones who keeps my mother sane." I looked over at her as we were walking along  talking. She was paying attention to my every word. "You're family have always been kind. I don't think I've ever heard a bad word about any of you." She smiled at this and looked away. 

We continued our little journey filling it with general chit chat. We spoke about quidditch briefly then onto what classes we had today. I even made her laugh a couple of times, it was music to my ears. "This is you." I said motioning up the stairs to Ravenclaw Tower. I was sad that we were parting ways. If I'm not mistaken I saw the same look cross Grace's face. 

"Thank you for helping me." She smirked. "The Draco I bumped into tonight should come out more often." She shot me a flirty smile. "Goodnight Malfoy." And she started up the stairs.

"Goodnight Hawthorne." I called after her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. I couldn't help but grin back. I waited until she was out of sight before making my way back to the dungeons. This girl is going to be trouble. 

I walked into the common room to see Blaise and Goyle. "Did you see Grace in the library tonight?" Blaise asked Goyle loudly. Goyle grinned at him wriggling his eyebrows up and down. "She is definitely top of my list. Think I have a chance Malfoy?" He asked turning to me. Goyle and Blaise knew I had been tasked something by the dark lord but didn't know what. They were told just to keep me focused. 

"She's way out of your league." I snorted at him giving him a poisonous look. 

"Do you think? Hmm, well I've always heard that redheads are filthy in the bedroom. I'll let you know when I find out." He was stood in front of me at this point, trying to get a rise out of me. It worked. I grabbed him by the collar, adrenaline fuelled rage coursing through my veins. I slammed him against the nearest wall. 

"Lay even a finger on her and you will live to regret it." I snapped at him just inches from his smug face. I slammed him against the wall again. "Do you hear me?" I asked my voice now raising out of anger. He didn't answer me. Just kept staring at me with a egotistical look across his face. I let go of his collar and began to walk towards my room before I did something I'd really regret.

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