Chapter 12 - Are You Sure?

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***Little pre-warning, it does get quite heated and sexual in this chapter***

Grace P.O.V.

Draco instantly put his watch on and wore it all day. I was so glad that he liked it. His Father didn't really talk that much. He looked very withdrawn in the face and constantly had a glass of red wine in his hand. 

"Draco," I whispered, "how has your father gotten out of Azkaban?" I asked. He gave me a grave look. "In fact, I don't need to know." I said which seemed to make his expression soften. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. 

"Miss Hawthorne." His father finally spoke. "Would you mind giving my son and I a few moments together." He stated more than asked through gritted teeth. 

"Of course." Draco was staring intently at his father, I don't think I even saw him blink. I excused myself out the room and took my gifts upstairs. I had been in my room for a few minutes when the shouting between them started. There was a gentle knock at my door. "Come in." I called. Narcissa popped her head round the door. 

"Join me for a walk in the grounds won't you?" She asked. I had a feeling she wanted to get away from the shouting. I smiled and grabbed my navy coat. 

We were walking through the back garden that went on for acres. I had a feeling of guilt in my stomach. "Narcissa, I just wanted to apologise." I said out of the blue. She turned to face me looking shocked. 

"What for Grace?" 

"This morning. When you walked in on Draco and I." I blushed and looked at my feet. 

She giggled. "Don't be silly Grace. You're young and in love, I would be stupid to assume that all you did was hold hands and gaze longingly at each other. When Lucius and I first got together, well,  we couldn't keep our hands off each other." She let out another giggle at this fond memory. We continued our walk chatting away, talking about my mother, my family. Childhood memories. We must have been out for about an hour by the time we arrived back at the manor. It was all quiet. Too quiet.

I walked into the living room to find Draco but he wasn't there. Narcissa followed me in. "Lucius? Where's Draco?" She questioned him as he stared into the fire. 

"Gone to work on his task. He will be back within the hour." He spat at her. 

Her faced turned sour and I took that as my cue to leave. A few hours had passed. I had Christmas Dinner with Narcissa and Lucius in silence. She shot him deadly glares when she thought I was looking the other way. After dinner I excused myself and retired to bed. That was tense. I ran a bath to waste some time, half hoping Draco would walk in and join me at any moment, but sadly he didn't. I got out of the bath and put on my blue silk nightdress with lace around the hems and went into Draco's room lay down on the bed. Where was Draco? I missed him. Lost in thoughts of him I must have slipped off to sleep. 

It must have been about 2am when I woke up with a start. I looked beside in the hopes that Draco had snuck in, but he still wasn't there. I was extremely thirsty so I got up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen careful not to turn on the light. I was reaching up to try and get a glass from the cupboard, it was just out of reach and I left my wand upstairs. Next thing I knew someone was stood behind me, pressing their body to mine. He reached up passed my arm and brought the glass down for me whilst his other hand was next to mine on the counter. I breathed in the familiar smell of Draco's aftershave. I leant back into his body and tilted my head back so it was on his shoulder. "Is that a wand in your pocket Draco, or are you just happy to see me?" I joked. He began kissing down the side of my neck still standing behind me. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other was on my shoulder moving the strap of my nightie. I turned to face his and he crashed his lips to mine. He lifted me up onto the counter and sat me down then pulled me to him so that my legs were straddling his body. His kiss became more intense, more hungry with desire. His left hand running up my thigh and his right grabbing a handful of hair. He tugged on my hair so that my head moved backwards exposing my neck. He kissed all the way down to my collar bone then down my chest bone until the fabric of my nightie stopped him kissing further. He looked up at me with pure lust and craving. He pulled me into another intense kiss. 

We hear someone clear their throat. Draco whipped around with anger on his face. His father was stood in the doorway of the kitchen. 

"Please, do continue to besmirch your little girlfriend Draco. Don't let me stop you." He sneered and he poured himself another glass of wine. Draco pulled me off the counter and led me out of the kitchen pushing passed his fathers shoulder as we went up the stairs to his bedroom. He slammed the door and threw me down onto the bed. I was liking this dominant side of Draco. 

He came over to me and kissed me with the same need as he had downstairs. He pulled me back up off the bed and took both hands of his hands, one on each shoulder, and moved the straps of my nightie causing it to drop to the floor. He looked down and surveyed my naked body his eyes wild with desire. He laid me down on the bed with himself on top of me. He kissed me deeply and passionately as I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, him continuing to take it off entirely. He tracked kisses all over my chest as I reached down and undid his trousers pushing both them and his boxers off. He was breathing heavily between kisses, we both were. The energy between us was out of this world. He looked me in the eye, "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded, I was never surer of anything in my life. I wanted him with every fibre of my being. My body ached for his. 

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