Chapter 7 - Is That A Threat?

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Grace P.O.V.

The few days after everyone finding out about Draco and my relationship were tough, not going to lie. Pretty much all the Gryffindors had stopped talking to me, there were whispers wherever we went, which Draco always answered with kissing me or putting his arm around me pulling me closer to him as if asserting his dominance over all who questioned us.

"Malfoy!? Draco fucking Malfoy?!" Lucas bellowed at me pacing up and down in front of the sofa I was sat on. I threw my head back and let out an exasperated groan. 

"Yes Lucas, Draco fucking Malfoy. I am dating Draco fucking Malfoy who happens to make me very fucking happy." I snapped at him. I got up and stormed off to my dormitory. I was sick of hearing it. Padma and Lisa followed, they had been there for me through this and I couldn't thank them more. 

"Just ignore Lucas, he will get over it. His pride is just hurt." Padma said to me sat on my bed next to me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked wiping a tear from my face. 

Lisa chuckled from my other side. "Grace, Lucas has fancied the absolute pants off you from the moment he set eyes on you." She said as she was rubbing my arm trying to make me feel better. An owl appeared at the window, I wiped another tear and went to let it in. It was from Draco. 

"Meet me at the astronomy tower in 10 minutes - Draco" 

I smiled at the letter, even just seeing his writing gave me butterflies. I thanked Lisa and Padma and made my way down to the common room to leave. Lucas was still there, he shot a disgruntled look over at me. I shot it straight back and left. Making my way to the Astronomy Tower. 

As I began climbing the stairs the discussion in the common room was playing over and over in my head. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes threatening to spill over. As I reached the top  and saw Draco I couldn't hold it in. I ran into his arms. He wrapped them tightly around me. 

"What is it Grace?" He asked his voice full of concern. He held my head in his hands so we were making eye contact. His gorgeous grey eyes filled with worry. 

"It's nothing honestly." I sighed. "Honestly I'm fine." I lied through my tears. 

"You are a shit liar Grace." He smiled at me. 

"I just had a confrontation with Lucas." I said turning my back on Draco walking to the railing overlooking the courtyard. He stood next to me, his body rigid and anger on his face. 

"What did the filthy mudblood say to you?" He said gripping the handrail, his knuckles turning white. I hated it when he used that word. 

"Don't worry about it Draco. It's nothing honestly." I looked at him as he was looking out over the courtyard. He looked tired, his eyes sunken, his face pale. He caught me looking at him, concern plastered on my face. "Are you ok Draco?"

"I'm fine." His face softened as he saw the look on mine. He pulled me into another tight hug and kissed the top of my head. He smelt amazing, like fresh clean cotton. 

"I have something to ask you anyway." He said stroking the side of my face. I know it's only the middle of November but, my mother has asked if you want to come stay with us over Christmas. You don't have to, don't feel like you have to, but, uh, it'd be nice to have you at home with us." He was looking at the floor as if he thought I might say no. 

"Oh Draco, yes! I'd love to spend Christmas with you and your mother!" Truth is I was so excited! I can't wait to meet Draco's family. I can't wait to find out more about him, what he was like as a child and how he was growing up. I grabbed his tie and pulled him down and kissed him. 

After spending an hour with Draco, mostly kissing because I couldn't get enough of him tonight, I was on my way back to Ravenclaw Tower. I was smiling to myself thinking back to Draco's soft lips against mine. 

"I need to talk to you Grace." A voice came out of nowhere frightening the life out of me. I turned to see where it came from.

"Jesus Christ Harry, there's better ways to get someone's attention." The look on his face was serious and deadpan. "What is it?" I asked beginning to actually get a bit worried. 

"There's something you need to know about Malfoy." He began, "he's not this good guy that you seem to think he is." 

"And how do you know what Draco is like? You don't speak to each other, you don't even know each other." I could feel anger rising from the pit of my stomach. 

"C'mon Grace, surely you aren't that dumb." He snapped.

"I beg you pardon? Who the fuck do you think you are speaking to." Anger now coursing through my body. 

"Look, I'm sorry Grace, I didn't mean that. It's just...there's not easy way to say it. Draco is a death eater." I scoffed at these words.

"Dismiss me all you want but you can't deny it's true. His whole family are, his father is in Azkaban because of it. He has some task to complete that I'm still trying to work out what it is, but he is Grace. He's a Death Eater."

"And where's your proof Harry?" 

He shifted uncomfortably at this and looked down at his feet. "I don't have any solid proof, but I'm sure of it. Stay away from him Grace."

"Is that a threat Harry? If you're going to throw around such large accusations Harry I suggest you have evidence to back it up." I turned and headed off back towards the tower. I was completely infuriated by what Harry had just told me. 

I walked back into the common room and it was dead apart from Lucas who was sitting on the sofa by the fire. "Oh here She is, back from her date with the snake."

"Fuck You, Lucas." I said, the irritation showing in my voice. He look shocked at my words but I didn't hang around for any response from him. I got ready for bed angrily pulling of my uniform and throwing it on the chair, not even folding it as I usually do. I got into bed seething, thinking about Harry and what he had said to me. All the other girls were asleep, I could hear them breathing quietly. I tried to match their breaths to calm me down.  My hands were shaking with rage. I didn't know what to do, do I tell Draco about what happened? I'm not confident that he wouldn't actually try to kill Harry. 

My mind started to wander. What if Draco actually was a Death Eater? I love him, although I had yet to say that to him. But I do, I love Draco, Death Eater or not I will stand by him. 

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