Chapter 4 - First trip to Hogsmeade

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Grace P.O.V.

My first week at Hogwarts had flown by. The Draco that I had the pleasure of meeting when he was walking me back to the tower had disappeared and left behind a very distant Draco. I had made the effort to speak to him the day after during our transfigurations class but he sneered at me and just walked away. I have no idea what I had done to upset him. 

I'd become close to Padma and Lisa who were in my year group as well as Cho although she was the year above me so we didn't ha e classes together. I'd successfully taught them my hair curling charm and they wanted me to enchant their make up brushes, they were very upset when I told them I had gotten mine from my Aunt. We stayed up into the small hours of the night just talking and laughing most nights. They were a great group of friends. I'd gotten to know Harry a bit more as we seemed to end up say together in a few classes. I could swear that I could feel eyes burning a hole in the back of my head every potions lesson but I chose to ignore it. I hadn't told anyone about that night with Draco. I was beginning to wonder if it ever actually happened.

It was my first Saturday at Hogwarts which meant one thing, a visit to Hogsmeade. I woke up with excitement flowing through me. I jumped out of bed and made my way to the shower. As the refreshing water fell on me my mind wandered to Draco. His dark grey eyes, his white hair, his kissable lips, the electricity that ran between us in the archway. I snapped back to reality when Cho banged on the door asking how long I'd be. 

After drying my hair I walked over to my drawers and opened them unsure of what to wear. I had a look out the window at the weather, it was a sunny September day. A warm breeze blowing in the window, I figured I should make the most of it, the weather was due to change at any moment. I felt Padma looking over at me as if looking for guidance. I turned to her and smiled. "Be rude not to wear a sundress in this weather!" I said. She grinned and started digging in her drawers. I turned back to mine and pulled out a white wrap dress. It had very light grey spots on it, tied at the waist and came down into a v neckline. I did wonder if it was maybe a bit too low as all the others didn't seem to dress this way but in my head was all my friends from Beauxbatons telling me to "own it". I chuckled to myself at this thought as I pulled it on and tied it at the waist. Next step, hair. I decided to go for a wavy sort of look, then make up. I decided to go a bit more glamours than my everyday look. I went for a light nude smokey eye, it really brought out the blue in them. 

Once I had finished getting ready I looked over at Padma and Lisa who were taking lead from what I was wearing and were both dressed very similarly to me. I shrugged it off and off we went to breakfast. As I walked into the hall and took my seat across from Lucas and his friend Dougie who was a Hufflepuff. The both gawped at me. "What? Have I got something on my face?" I asked genuinely concerned. They both just laughed and shook their heads. As we were eating Lucas who was sat across from me kept looking over my shoulder. 

"Why is he staring at you again? He's always staring." He muttered. I turned around and followed his line of vision to be greeted with Draco staring back at me. He turned away after a few seconds of eye contact. 

"C'mon." Lucas said standing up. "Let's go. Zonko's awaits." I smiled as I stood up and made my way out the hall. As we were about to leave Lucas snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me into him making me feel uncomfortable. "He's still staring.  I don't like it, it's like he's surveying his prey. I got your back Hawthorne." Then it clicked, he was making it look like we were flirting. A large part of me wanted to go along with this, so I did. I laughed a little louder than normal and said "Lucas!" Playfully. 

Draco P.O.V.

I nearly chocked on my toast as she walked into the hall. Every single pair of eyes were on her and she was blissfully unaware. "Damn." I heard Blaise mutter under his breath next to me. I threw my piece of toast back onto its plate trying to satisfy the urge to punch every guy in here because I know they were all thinking the same. 

I couldn't look away from her the whole time she was eating. Hearing her laugh carry across the room, a faint waft of her perfume, she smelt like freshly cut roses. I was lost in thoughts of her when I realised her blue eyes were focused on me. "Shit" I mumbled under my breath. I looked away. I was supposed to be distancing myself from her. Playing the inconsiderate arsehole so that I didn't get close to her. I had far too much on my mind. I have a whole day planned to spend on my task in the room of requirement, I was getting nowhere fast with it.

I saw Grace stand up and watched her as she was leaving, as did every other guy. Then a saw the Ravenclaw boy put his arm around her tiny waist and pull her into him. My veins coursing with a jealous rage I silently begged her to push him away. Instead she began flirting with the disgusting excuse for a boy. Guess this means a trip to Hogsmeade today. 

Grace P.O.V. 

As we were walking into Hogsmeade I couldn't stop looking around and taking in the glorious views. That's when I noticed Malfoy, Blaise and Goyle following the path behind us. I pretended not to notice and began an conversation with Dougie. He was a nice enough guy, he was funny, good looking, the stereotypical good guy. As we got to the centre of Hogsmeade we split into two groups. The boys who went to Zonko's and the girls who went to the clothes shops. As the girls were all trying on clothes I excused myself out of the shop for some fresh air. It was getting too stuffy, I could barely breathe. As I sat on a bench outside, I felt it lower next to me. Someone had sat down.

"What's going on with you and Lucas?" Draco spat at me out of nowhere. He sat staring straight ahead of us and didn't  look at me.

"And what is it to you Malfoy?" I spat straight back at him. "You are the one who's decided that they don't like me again and gone back to the spoilt brat that I met the first day here." I stood up to walk away when Lucas came bounding towards us.

"Is everything ok." He asked me eyeing up Draco and putting his hand on my arm. Before I knew it Draco shot up 

"Everything is fine not that it's any of your concern mudblood." He said to Lucas, his voice raising slightly with each word. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why does he think he can just call people out like that. 

"What the fuck did you just say?" Lucas said rounding on Draco.

"You heard me. You have no business here. Leave." Draco said through gritted teeth whilst standing tall and puffing his chest out to assert more dominance. And as much as I hated myself for it, it was kind of sexy. 

Blaise and Goyle had appeared next to Draco smirking as if they were wanting a fight to break out. Meanwhile Dougie and a boy I didn't know did the same with Lucas. 

"Ok!" I exclaimed. "Before the testosterone levels get any higher, I'm leaving." Draco didn't look at me once until I said I was going to leave and had started to walk away back towards the shop the girls were in. 

"Why do mudbloods ruin everything." Draco laughed to Blaise and Goyle obviously trying to get a rise out of Lucas. It worked. Lucas swung for Malfoy with his fist bunched up. Draco dodged out the way and threw a fist right back at him connecting with his jaw. I ran back over placing myself between them as Lucas turned around ready to give it another shot and just as all the other boys looked like they were about to jump in.

"STOP!" I yelled. "You're all a bunch of idiots!" I said looking between them all with an exasperated expression. 

I walked off back up the path to the castle not wanting to look at any of them anymore. 

It had been a few hours since the incident. The girls had got back and I told them everything. They are now convinced that  Malfoy has a crush on me and thinks that he is entitled to me as we are both pure bloods. All the talk of pure blood and mudblood made me uncomfortable. I excused myself to my dorm to lay longer than 5 seconds of peace and an owl was tapping on my window. I let the owl in and gave it a treat. I opened the letter it had given me. It was writing I didn't recognise. 

"Meet me at the lake, 8:00pm. Come alone. - Draco." 

I sighed and as much as I hate to say it, I had butterflies in my stomach. What is this boy doing to me!?

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