Chapter 14 - It's not what you know, it's who you know.

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Grace P.O.V.

We had been back at school for a few months now. Everything was very much back to normal. I barely got to see Draco because he was always working on his stupid task. And whenever I did see him he looked awful. Tired, pale and Dark circles under his eyes. No matter how much I begged he wouldn't take a night off. It's as if he has something to prove. The moments we did get alone together were few and far between but I cherished every one of them.

I was laying in bed thinking back to Christmas, how we were inseparable when a little owl tapped on the window. I leaped out of bed and let him in. 

"I can't take another night away from you. Make your way down to the dungeons, I'll be waiting. Love always - Draco."

I grinned down at his note, checked my hair and make up and off I went. I was practically running, I had to slow myself down a few times. I made my way down the stairs to the dungeons, I was wondering the corridors aimlessly, constantly looking over my shoulder for Draco. 

I heard a door fly open but rather than my white haired love, out came Blaise and a fourth year Slytherin. He grinned at me and winked whilst she looked at the floor and blushed. They went the opposite way to me, towards the great hall, as I went deeper underground. "What a pretty Ravenclaw like you doing in these parts of the dungeons?" A voice came from the shadows behind me. He stepped into the light and recognised him from Draco's quidditch practices. Marcus Flint. A perverted smile spread across his face as he looked me up and down and licked his lips. "Need any help, Grace isn't it?" He locked eyes with me filling me with a feeling of dread and unease. 

"I'm fine thank you, Marcus." I replied politely, "just waiting for Draco." I added hastily. 

"Mmm. A girl like you shouldn't be down here alone." He stated taking another step closer, his eyes piercing mine. "Draco knows that. Fancy leaving the crush of every guy in this school, alone, deep in the dark dungeons." He said taking another few steps closer. I froze to the spot. I didn't know how to react. I always thought in this situation I would fight back but the truth is, I was terrified. He reached his hand up as if he was about to stroke my cheek. Horror filled my whole body heat to toe. His fingers grazed my cheek. "I can see why Draco is so possessive over you." He took another step closer so there was barely any space between us. I could smell his breath, it reeked of alcohol. "Maybe, I should teach Draco a lesson, hmm?" He asked rhetorically. "Maybe if his precious little princess fucked his team captain, then he wouldn't such a big man." He said as a tear broke free from my eye. "Oh come now, don't cry, he needs to be taken down a peg or two, and you're the best way to do it." He smirked reaching his hand up and wiping my tear away. "Imagine his horror when the whole school hears that the little pure blood witch cheated on one of her own." He laughed at this. "Imagine my pride as every single guy congratulates me and asks me how good you are in bed. I've heard red heads are pure filth." Before I knew it a flash of white sent Marcus flying. Draco. 

Draco's P.O.V.

I was running late leaving the room of requirement. I'd had enough of not spending time with Grace, not kissing her, not fucking her, not waking up next to her. My body yearned to be intimate with her. She'll have got my owl by now, she's probably already in the dungeons waiting for me to appear. I walk as quickly as I can, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. It was almost curfew. I rounded the corner down the stairs to the dungeons and nearly collided with Blaise head on. He was leading a girl towards the stairs and shot me a wink over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and laughed under my breath. I could hear voices further down the corridor. It was Flint, but who was he talking to. "Imagine his horror when the whole school hears that the little pure blood witch cheated on one of her own." He Let out a laugh. "Imagine my pride as every single guy congratulates me and asks me how good you are in bed. I've heard red heads are pure filth." Grace. The realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks. Rage filled adrenaline coursing through my body. I turned the corner and ran at Flint. I pinned him to the wall by his neck.

 "You ever even look in her direction again and believe me you will be sorry Flint. Breathe the same air as her again and you will live to regret it." I said slamming him against the wall with my last words. I let go of him and turned to Grace, she was frozen to the spot. Her eyes looked glazed over like they did when she was attacked at Christmas. I ran over to her and grabbed her ha which seemed to bring her back to reality. Her eyes brimming with tears. Before I could pull her into me he spoke again. 

"C'mon Draco, share the goods." I turned around and my fist connected with his jaw. Then again with his nose and he dropped to the floor. I turned around and took Grace's hand and lead her to the entrance of the common room. I turned to look at her before we entered and she looked upset, worried and anxious, all rolled into one. I pulled her into a hug and felt her body relax. "Don't worry, no one will even bat an eyelid." I said as I said the password and the door opened. I led her into the common room then towards the boys dormitory. Snape had managed to get me my own room so I could come and go as I pleased to work on my task, he had his uses. I opened the door and led Grace into my room. She surveyed the room around her. "How did you manage to wangle this?" She asked sitting on the edge of the bed. I smirked.

"It's not what you know, it's who you know." I winked at her. She kicked off her shoes and took off her black robe. How she managed to make the Hogwarts uniform look sexy is beyond me. The way her jumper hugged her curves, the way her skirt fell to a perfect length being not too short but not too long, her legs looked elongated in her black tights. Fuck she drove me wild. It's been far too long since I had her. 

As if reading my thoughts she knelt on the bed and leaned forwards reaching out to me. She grabbed my tie and pulled it out from my jumper, she then used it to pull me close to her until we were eye to eye. "You know, these can be for more than just a neck decoration." She smirked smoothing my tie back to my chest, he face inches from mine. A smirk spread across my face. God I was such a sick pervert when it comes to her. 

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