Chapter 26 - The Battle of Hogwarts begins

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Grace's P.O.V.

The end of the week had arrived uneventfully. Ginny seemed to have stopped her Draco crusade after our last interaction, which was of course a relief but I still had a feeling of unease in my stomach. I hadn't had a letter from Draco since Tuesday morning. The last letter I received was very short and felt kind of off, I knew something was brewing. I was absentmindedly staring into space twirling my hair in my fingers sat alone in the great hall at breakfast. A lot of students had gone into hiding with everything that had been going on, I'm pretty sure they were in the room of requirement. Some had been just straight up pulled out of school by their parents and some didn't want to come into the cold and quiet great hall anymore. I picked up a piece of toast and began to butter it when a letter dropped on the table in front of me. Draco. I hadn't even noticed the owls coming in. I snatched the letter of the table and opened it as quickly as I could. 

"My dearest Grace, 

I hope this letter finds you well and bored at Hogwarts without me. Blaise wrote and informed me of Ginny Weasley and her little crusade, he also mention the way you put her back in her place. I forget sometimes how much of a firecracker you can be. 

I don't have much time, but something is happening Grace and I want you to leave Hogwarts. I want you out of there and as far away as possible. I have arranged for a port key for you to take you to your home, it is with Snape in his office at the moment. Please, I beg of you Grace, get out of there. I couldn't cope if something happened to you. I need to know that you are safe and out of harms way. I have never loved anyone before Grace. Before you I never thought I could truly love in all honesty. I'm rambling now, please, go see Snape and send an owl when you are home.

Forever yours,

Draco xxx"

I reread the letter over and over hoping for a clue as to what is coming and what has spooked Draco so much but he gave nothing away. If something dangerous was about to happen and Draco was going to be there, he can dream on if he thinks I won't be there right by his side. The bell rang and I made my way to my first class, Dark Arts. I sat down in the quiet classroom next to Neville. He smiled feebly at me, I made eye contact for a brief moment then looked away without returning the gesture. I pulled out my parchment and quill and wrote the title of the class and the date, the 1st May, How was it only May? I made it through the rest of the day silently, I don't think many people spoke to be honest which was fine by me, I was too busy having an internal argument with myself about Draco's letter and if I was going to follow what he had asked me to do. 

"Did you get Draco's letter?" Blaise asked whilst sitting down next to me in the great hall. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump." He smiled at me. 

"Yes, I got the letter, Blaise. What is it that has gotten Draco so spooked?" I asked Blaise knowing full well I wouldn't get the response I wanted. He shifted uncomfortably in his spot next to me on the bench.

"Look Grace, I honestly don't know. I just know something is about to go down and you need to leave. You need to get away from here." 

"I am not some helpless little girl who needs constant protection you know." I spat at Blaise, his response had riled me. "I am top of every class, I can outrun everyone and I am more than capable of looking after myself wether it's a battle of wits or wands." With that last sentence I stood up and stomped my way out of the hall and up to my dormitory. My heart was thumping in my chest as I lay on my bed.there was not a chance I was going to Snape to get the portkey. Whatever was about to happen I was going to be here. 

I had a hot bath to help me unwind. Did a face mask and a hair mask, spent a bit longer doing my skincare routine, moisturising my whole body and drying my hair. After I had done I put on some fresh pyjamas, a blue silk cami with lace trim and some little shorts to match. It was just Lisa, Cho and I left in the dormitory, I missed Padma, my closest friend. She told me she had to go into hiding but I feel as though she is still in the castle. Something to do with the DA group she was once part of. We were all sat on our beds in silence, I was reading and Cho practicing a floating charm but I could feel Lisa's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. "Yes, Lisa?" I asked without looking up from my book. "Do you have something you would like to say to me?" I asked further still not looking up from my book. 

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