Chapter 11 - Christmas Day

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Grace P.O.V.

I spent most of yesterday in Draco's arms, the safest I had ever felt. We spent the day talking, deep conversations that made me love him even more, and napping. It was a perfect Christmas Eve.

I woke up excited to give Draco his gifts. I couldn't hear anyone else stirring so I crept downstairs and hid his presents from me under the tree. I crept back upstairs but instead of going back into my bed, I snuck into Draco's room. It was larger than mine, dark green and silver decoration, his house colours. He was fast asleep in his bed. He had his duvet pulled up to his waist leaving his bare chest on show. He didn't have to hide his Dark mark anymore. I surveyed him, his face relaxed and peaceful, his arms and chest strong, and a faint hint of abs. I felt myself begin to blush. A smirk started to spread across Draco's face but he never opened his eye. "Well, are you getting in then?" He asked outstretching his arm so I could nestle into his side. I jumped under the covers and did exactly that. "Took you long enough Grace, I've been waiting for you since your first night here." He wrapped both his arms around me and pulled me close and kissed my forehead. I fell back asleep almost instantly, wrapped up in his arms.

We both woke a few hours later, the smell of bacon wafting through the house. "Merry Christmas Grace." Draco said to me in a deep tired gritty voice that had just woken up. It was kind of irresistible.

"Merry Christmas Draco." I smiled back at him. I kissed him gently and he returned the kiss. Something awoke inside me and I needed him now more than ever. I kissed him again, this time with a bit more playful force. I could feel him smiling between our kisses. Before he knew it I was on top of him, straddling his waist as our kiss was more deeper and urgent. Our bodies yearned for each other. In one swift movement he flipped me onto my back and I wrapped my legs around his waist. One of his hands wandered down my thigh whilst the other was in my hair. One of mine was on his chest whilst the other was on the back of his neck pulling him deeper into the heated kiss.

His bedroom door burst open and his Mother walked in, obviously excited to wish her son Merry Christmas. She stopped dead when she saw what was happening between Draco and I. "Oh goodness, I am so sorry!" She giggled as she back out the room and closed the door.

Draco and I just started laughing. "Such a tease Hawthorne. One day I will have my wicked way with you." He winked at me.

"Better are it sooner rather than later Malfoy, a girls got needs." I winked back at him. He rolled off me and onto his back letting out a groan.

"Everyone thinks your little miss innocent, how wrong are they." I stood up and walked to the door.

"I'm going to get dressed, feel free to follow me." I said feigning an innocent voice.

I had gotten dressed. I chose a deep burgundy turtle neck and a red and blue checked mini skirt with some black tights. It was a figure hugging outfit, I knew it would drive Draco wild. I did a subtle smoky eye and a nude lip for my make up and curled my long red hair.

I slipped on some black heeled ankle boots and left my room. Draco was waiting for me the other side of the door. His jaw dropped as soon as he saw me. "What?" I asked. I began to twist my body around, purposely pushing my bum out, as if looking for something. "Have I got something on me?" I asked smirking at him. As Draco strode over to me looking like he was ready to rip everything off me his Mother called up to us.

"I have a surprise for you Draco." She almost sang up the stairs.

Draco took my hand and started to lead me downstairs to the living room. "I'll deal with you later." He growled in my ear slapping my bum before we walked through the door.

Draco's P.O.V.

As we walked into the living room every naughty thought about Grace and what I wanted to do to her, and believe me there were a few, left my mind instantly. Stood by the fireplace was a figure I thought I wouldn't see a yeti e soon. His grey eyes staring back into mine. "Father." I whispered.

"Hello Draco." He smiled at me. A smile I didn't return. Mother cleared her throat as if she could feel the tension.

"Lucius, this is Grace." She smiled over to Grace.

"I'm so glad to meet you Mr. Malfoy." Grace said smiling at him. The who,e time he didn't take his eyes off mine. There was a tense silence that followed.

"Shall we open presents?" Mother said motioning towards the tree that had plenty of parcels underneath it. Grace walked off towards the sofa closest to the tree and sat down. I instinctively followed.

After opening presents from relatives and my parents, it came time for me to give Grace hers. Suddenly I felt slightly nervous. I gave her her first one. " it's only something small, this isn't your main present." I said worried she though this was all I got her.

"Draco, you hold have bought me a rock and I would be happy." Grace dismissed me. She opened her first present which was a bottle of perfume. She smelt it and said it was perfect. She's perfect, she deserves the world. The second present I got for her was a box of her favourite chocolate truffles. Then it was time to give her the main gift. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and sheepishly handed it to her. I watched as she unwrapped the box, her face dropped as she opened the box.

"Oh Draco." She gasped.

"If you don't li..." before I could finish my sentence her arms were wrapped around my neck.

"I love it Draco it's so perfect." She gushed. She pulled the dainty ring out the box and slid it onto her ring finger on her right hand. It was a small golden ring with small diamonds that were shaped like stars across the dainty band which split apart at places making it look like a constellation. She kept staring at it then at me. "I saw you look at it everytime we went to Hogsmeade." I answered her I asked question.

She stared at it once more holding her hand out. The light hit the diamonds perfectly and the twinkled excellently.

"Ok, my turn." She grinned. She handed me my first gift. It was a bottle of my favourite aftershave which was perfect timing. I'd just used the last of it this morning. She handed me my next gift from under the tree, it was a new wallet. It was black leather with my initials embossed in silver on the front. I opened it and it had a green lining and she had put a small picture of us in it. I chuckled looking at the picture fondly. Grace handed me her last present, she looked nervous. "There could be a Cornish pixie in here Grace and I'd love it." I reassured her. I unwrapped the box and opened it. Much like Grace, my jaw dropped. She had bought me the watch I had been looking at.

"Turn it over." She smiled at me. I took the watch out of its box and turned it over to see the back of it. On the back of the watch face there was an engraving, Foreve yours - G.H. I ran my thumb over it smiling. I noticed the two Jewels that sat underneath it. Blue and green, us. I do not deserve this girl. 

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