Chapter 27 - Broken Without You

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Draco's P.O.V.

I was stood outside the great hall with Grace, both absolutely furious with her for not heeding my Warning and using the port key but also so relived to see her face again. I looked down at her adorable face, it was covered in dust, there was a small cut on her cheek that was still bleeding slightly, her eyes were darting around the room taking in everything that was going on. I was lost in her presence for a moment, oblivious to everything going on around me. All I could concentrate on was her smell, her face, just her. I came back to reality with a thump when I started to realise there were people staring at us, or should I say me. Their faces filled with pure hatred. I felt Grace's hand interlock with mine and she grasped it firmly. Her expression changed to one of anger. I followed her line of vision to the Weasley girl who was stomping over to us. "This is all you fucking fault." She shouted at me and went to hit me. Grace stood between us and grabbed her arm mid-air and stopped her mid slap. 

"Just walk away, Ginny." Grace said to her almost too calmly. Before anything more could come from the confrontation people were being stretchered into the great hall, both the wounded and the dead. Grace's face dropped at the one behind Ginny on its way into the hall. It was one of the twins. Ginny ran in after the stretcher which was shortly followed with screams of pain and sobbing. I never wanted this. I didn't want all of this to happen. I didn't want all these people to die and get hurt. It was all too much. I walked into the hall with Grace still firmly holding my hand, and looked around at all the devastation. I look at Grace who was doing the same and saw a tear fall and roll down her dusty face. Followed by a steady stream of more. I pulled her into a hug as she sobbed quietly into my chest, her tiny frame shaking with each sob she let out. 

I couldn't tell you how long we sat in silence in the corner of the hall holding each other. Grace nestled into my side, the occasional tear and son escaping her, it pained me so much to see the one thing I love so much in anguish. I got a few looks of confusion, a few looks of disgust and,  much to my surprise, a few encouraging smiles. There was suddenly a stir and people were rushing out to the courtyard. Grace and I jumped up and followed. My stomach dropped. Heading towards us was the Dark Lord with all his Death Eaters. They had Hagrid chained up carrying the body of Harry. My stomach dropped. The Dark Lord then took great pleasure in telling everyone that Potter died running away from him and that now was the time to choose, kneel before him or die. At this point I heard my fathers voice, he was calling my name. They wanted me to join them. My  heart sunk as my  other The also beckoned me. I looked all around at everyone on the side I was stood, these people didn't deserve to die. My eyes fell on Grace, her perfect eyes staring up at me overflowing with tears. "Go, Draco." She whispered and tried her best to give me a reassuring smile. "I'll come find you when this is all over." I looked back over to my parents who had their arms outstretched. I looked back at Grace and raised her hand that was interlocked with mine and kissed it. I let go and walked over to my parents. I couldn't hold back the tears at this point. The next few minutes were a blur, I was staring at Grace, and her back at me. Suddenly Potter jumped out of Hagrids arms, he wasn't dead! Confusion and panic rumbled all through the Death Eaters, some began apparateing out of there as quickly as they could. This angered the Dark Lord and the battle resumed. I ran towards Grace, she was the only thing that mattered to me. I could see that she had become locked in a dual with Dolohov. I shouted a disarming charm that hit him square in the back sending his wand flying. He turned to see me running towards him, he smirked and pulled a dagger out of his pocket. He turned to Grace and before she could react he lunged and stabbed it deep into her stomach. He gave it a twist and before he could even turn around I had thrown a killing curse at him. I was frozen in my spot. The who,e world stood still. Grace's eyes locked with mine. She gave a weak smile then dropped to her knees, she put her hand to her stomach then raised it up to examine the blood and then keeled over in a state of unconsciousness. I ran over to her and dropped to my knees beside her. I started to put pressure on her wound in an attempt to stop the blood. "C'mon Grace. Don't do this. Not you. You aren't allowed to die. I'm supposed to protect you." By this point my mother and Padma had arrived at the scene. 

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