Chapter 20 - This is exactly what I was trying to avoid

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Grace's P.O.V.

I was stood on the platform with my parents, this was the first time they had chance to see me off for the school year as last year was when I had transferred. As usual there were a few people awestruck by their presence but as always I chose to ignore it. "Promise you'll write at least twice a week." My mother stated more than asked as she pulled me into a hug. My Dad was next, he kissed the top of my head affectionately. We said our goodbyes and I made my way onto the train. A red headed girl pushed past me with a bit more force than needed but I just brushed it off. I found the compartment with all my friends. They all jumped up and hugged me happy to see me after the break. They were such a great group. We spent the train journey talking and catching up. Draco had told me that under no circumstances was I to tell anyone that we were back together. It had to be kept quiet for now, which I understood and promised to keep it our secret. The red headed girl stomped passed our compartment, the whole time glaring at me as if she wanted to hex me. "Who is that?" I asked as she went out of sight.

"That's Ginny Weasley." Cho answered. "Harry and her are sort of a thing, but also not official." 

I rolled my eyes. "So that means she instantly has to dislike me, because of Draco." I sighed. The train seemed to be slowing down and we came to a stop. I popped my head out the compartment door to see what was going on when I saw Death Eaters board the train. Shit, I sat down and told the other to just act naturally. The male Death Eater came to our compartment and opened the door, surveyed who was there, his eyes settled on me and a sick grin spread across his face. He slowly shit the door whilst maintaining his glare at me whilst I stared at the floor. When the door was closed he continued down the carriage. They eventually left the train and we continued on our way. 

"Jesus Grace, I thought he was going to take you." Lucas piped up from the corner, his face full of concern. This was the first time we had spoken in quite some time. I just shrugged it off and we were pretty much silent the rest of the journey. Was this a sign of things to come?


It was a few months into our term and the Christmas break lurked around the corner. I had been writing to Draco daily, we were planning on seeing each other at Christmas, but I was unsure when. The term so far at Hogwarts was, strange, to say the least. Draco wasn't here, Harry, Ron & Hermione we're nowhere to be found. Snape was now headmaster and the whole atmosphere in the school was strange. We all moved around in single file in silence between classes. No one stayed in the great hall for long, you are then left, it wasn't until we were in the common room that anyone felt at ease. The worst thing by far to happen was the appointment of The Carrow's. A brother and sister wizarding duo with a keen interest in punishment. Thankfully I hadn't been at the receiving end of it yet, but those who had, had stories to tell. My term had been wonderfully mundane.

I packed my trunk ready for Christmas break and made my way down to the great hall,  more than ready to leave. Goyle can running over to me before I went into the great hall. "Grace, can I borrow you a sec?" He panted trying to catch his breath. I followed him down a deserted corridor. "Here." He held out a random pocket watch. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"It's a port key. It will take you to Malfoy Manor, to Draco." He said smiling at me. 

"Draco never said this was happening." I couldn't help but feel excitement at the thought of seeing him. 

"He wanted it to be a surprise. We have okayed it with your parents and your trunk will be delivered to the manor." He said answering all my questions. I smiled at the thought of being in his presence within minutes. 

"Thanks Goyle." I grinned at him and took the pocket watch from him. Next thing I knew I was in Malfoy Manor. The welcoming committee however, wasn't quite what I expected. I had landed in the dining room, I turned to face the table where there was people sat. Lucius stared at me in shock as I turned to face the table and stood up. 

"Ahhhh, our guest of honour is here." Called a voice I didn't know from the head of the table. I turned to look at who it was and dread flowed through my body. It was him. It was The Dark Lord. Next thing I knew I was forced into the air, floating motionlessly on my back, exactly like the last time, my stomach lurched at the memories. "Let's call young Draco down, I would hate for him to miss this." 

Draco's P.O.V.

I made my way down to the dining room and took my seat next to my father as requested.

"Now Draco." The Dark Lord spoke, "Is there something that you have been hiding from us?" He asked. Grace immediately came to mine. There is no way he would know. I shook my head. "No dirty little secret?" At these words a body came floating in and across the table. Red hair dangled down, blood coming from the persons head, Grace. I jumped up pushing my chair back so it fell over.

"Let her down now." I shouted. This was met with laughter from all at the table. I looked at The Dark Lord, a sick twisted look upon his face. "Let her down. She has nothing to do with anything. She knows nothing." I shouted at him. His face turned serious and he whipped his head around and looked me in the eye. At a flick of his wand she was under the Imperious Curse. Her body floated down to the Dark Lord who whispered something in her ear. 

"Well Draco, is she really means nothing then this, won't bother you." He let her body down and instantly she went over to Dolohov, sat on his knee and began kissing him. My blood boiled and rage encompassed me. "Oh dear, it looks like it is bothering you Draco, are we sure that she means nothing to you as you have been saying?" I began shaking with rage as Dolohov picked her up and sat her on the table wrapping her legs around his waist, staring at me whilst kissing her. 

"Enough" Snape said from across the table, this took everyone by shock. The curse seemed to break and Grace was hitting Dolohov and kicked him right in the stomach causing him to keel over. "I think it prudent that we remember which family she is a part of." Snape said trying to diffuse the situation. 

"Ah Severus, always the wise one." The Dark Lord smiled at him. "Bellatrix, take her out of here, to the living room, Draco's room, I don't care." Bellatrix grabbed her by the arm and guided her out. I was rooted to my spot with a mixture of fear and rage coursing through me. "Draco, you would do well to remember what should be the number one priority in your life right now, your duty to me." He said. "You may all leave, I must speak to Severus, alone." I basically ran out the dining room looking to see where Grace was. I burst into the living room to find my mother comforting her whilst Bellatrix stood in the corner of the room. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. 

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