Chapter 21 - Enlighten Me

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Grace P.O.V. 

As soon as I saw Draco at the door I shot up "Draco, I'm so sorry, I could t stop myself. I was screaming in my head to stop but my body was working on its own. I hated, it I'm so sorry." I rambled as he strode over to me, each word getting more desperate and eventually turning into sobs. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug like no other I had before. He held me tightly as I sobbed into his chest, he kissed the top of my head and gave the occasional soothing shh noise. I eventually calmed down and recomposed myself. I looked up to him, my eyes were stinging and were bloodshot. His face was stone cold, he looked ready to rip someone's head off. He looked down at me and his expression softened. "I'm so sorry Draco..." I began again. 

"Grace."He said putting a finger over my lip yo quieten me. "It was not your fault. I do t blame you for anything." He sighed, "This is exactly what I was trying to stop happening. But yet again I've failed you." He released me at these words and took a step back. I could see a wet patch that my tears had left. He sat on the sofa and put his head in his hands. I stood frozen to my spot, something seemed, off, with him. "Who gave you the port key?" I didn't answer straight away and he snapped at me "I said who gave you the port key." He was staring into my eyes, I could see the rage behind his.

 I swallowed the lump that was in my throat, "Goyle." I whispered. He stood up without giving me a second glance and walked over to his mother.

"Can you make sure that she gets home, I don't want her to stay here, it isn't safe. See to the cut on her head first, I don't want her parents to know what's happened." 

"Draco?" I asked from across the room. "What's happening? What do you mean take me home?" He continued to ignore me and began walking out the room. "Draco!" I shouted at him and he stopped at the door with his back to me. He turned his head so he was half looking over his shoulder at me but still not giving me eye contact. He looked as though he was about to say something but decided against it and just walked off. I looked over to Narcissa unable to contain the tears that were once again flowing freely. She walked over and hugged me. She moved my hair so she could see the cut on my head. 

"We'll have the fixed up in no time." She smiled at me reassuringly. "Then we will get you home, you aren't safe here Grace." I opened my mouth to protest but Narcissa cut me off. "And that, is not up for debate." 

Half an hour went by and my cut was gone. I was brushing my hair making myself look presentable again, ready to go home. I hadn't seen or heard a thing from Draco, I didn't even know where he was. Narcissa came into the living room. "It's time Dear." She smiled and outstretched her hand. As I took it we apparated to my home. There were no lights on, then I heard Narcissa mumble under her breath. "Of course, your parents said they were going to go away for Christmas if you were staying with us." I looked at her confused. "What Goyle said was partly true, we had arranged for you to visit over Christmas. I was going to collect you from the train station then we could work around certain people being in the house." 

"It's fine. I'd rather be alone." I snapped at her which I instantly regretted. None of this was Narcissa's fault. I walked to the door and saw my trunk on the doorstep. I took out my wa d and muttered the password at the lock. The door opened, the lights all turned on and fires came to life in the fireplaces. I hauled my trunk in and kicked the door shut behind me without even a goodbye. I wanted to be by myself. I knew that I wouldn't be seeing Draco for quite some time now, if ever at all again. There's no way he would allow it. I just wanted a night to wallow in self pity. 

The Christmas break went by slowly. I spent most of it upstairs in my bedroom reading. My parents kept saying they would come home but I told them not to and that I was enjoying the time to myself which was a great big lie. There was nothing more that I wanted than to run into my Dads arms and him hug me, making me forget everything as he always did. I spent Christmas Day in my pyjamas. I cooked myself a roast dinner with all the trimmings, it was pretty amazing if I say so myself. Opened some presents my parents had delivered for me, it was a quiet uneventful day, like all of them. When I eventually got to sleep my dreams were filled with images of what had happened that night as well as the Christmas before, and images of Draco were thrown into the mix to top it all off. I woke myself up sweating and tossing and turning most nights. I woke myself up one night screaming at the memory of the Cruciatus Curse. I could have sworn I saw Draco stood in the corner of my room the night. By the time I grabbed my wand to light up the room, there was no one there. My dreams were spilling into reality. I hadn't heard from him since that night and my gut told me I wouldn't hear from him anytime soon. 

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