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Chapter 36

Memories danced into my head uncontrollably, and I can only cry at it.

I knew this wasn't my memories but my mother's. I finally saw the face of my father and he was definitely handsome holding the baby me into his arms. I looked exactly like my mother and the three of us looked so happy together.

My father had whispered something into me making me have weird gold glow onto my body. Slowly the scene had changed both of them started to cry. My father seem to whisper something into mom ears as she ran and weird beings came in and stabbed my father onto the chest his blood came gushing out. I screamed at the scene telling all of those people to stop but my voice couldn't be heard. When my father was on the ground he whispered out my name before drawing out his last breath.

Looking over at this situation I ran to the scene where my mother began to sing some strange music covering my body in another green dust and when the song over the light from my body disappeared and left me at the doorstep of the orphanage kissing me goodbye as she ran, but couldn't as a weird beast got a hold of her and bit her by the neck tearing her vocal cord out, and she was left there to die.

I cried at the scene but when every images faded away and Key appeared in my dreams. I wanted to know everything and why she wanted to this to me. I was confused, infuriated and angry.

"What are you?" I questioned. "Why are you doing this to me? Key... Why?"

"Jessica, you have so much power and so much potential you weren't supposed to born into this but still you are here."

"What do you mean?"

"A child cannot be born through different dimension beings like an angel and an enchantress but somehow you were born and was brought into this world. I had to tried to find for so long, but I couldn't detect you and it's all because your father and mother sealed away your powers perfectly.

The day that I was able to find you was that I sensed strange aura coming from Twilight, and now I am able to talk to you like this."

"What are you Key?"

"I am but a replica of God."

My hand went up to mouth. "God?"

"Yes, but I am merely a replica and you have a duty to save every beings in this world. Jessica, the reason I am here it's because you are the loophole to save every beings in this world."

"Why me?"

"You have the blood of heaven and twilight running in your veins. It was never your daughter or husband that was able to save the beings all along it was just you and it can only be you."

I crouched down to the ground. "So all it was just me. I am the sacrifice."

"When you wake up all will returned to you and I will disappear from the world and return to my creator. Good bye Jessica." Everything disappeared and when I woke up Lilith was beside me. She was so angry and pissed but I was left with nothing to say.

I am the sacrifice.

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