My First Summoning

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Chapter 7

Strangely in these couple of days I discovered that I had several powers. I did not possess just one power but a couple of them. Probably this was the reason that I was put into Class S. It was the highest class level in the whole school and I am in it.

I am so anxious this is the fifth day that I had been here. The first four days was just introduction and yesterday I was greeted by a fire breathing dragon wanting to eat my head off.

Sierra and Lindsey fought bravely in their parts but I was busy running like a wild goose chase. I didn't had the time to even summon my powers. I was slow. I could barely keep up with them.

I almost got caught by the fire but thankfully Sierra had arrived in time swiping me in to her arms as she laid me down on to a safer spot in this weird builded classroom filled with hot caves and ruins the habitants of these creatures.

I was completely terrified the dragons kept going after me like I was screaming, dragon food to them. The dragons kept going me after until I saw something amazing. It was as of a soul had came out of Sierra turning into tiger. Electricity came off the tiger as she roar. "Do it."

The tiger roar in delight as it jumps up to the sky soaring and roars sending a large thunderstorms towards the dragon paralysed the three dragons. Sierra looked at Lindsey and nod her head.

This time Lindsey smiles. "Here I come!" She punched the ground shaking the whole ground. "Summoning." This time it was a whale and a huge one. "Time to eat Gumball." The whale him and opens it mouth to eat those three dragons, and it was only just the two of them who defeated these three dragons. They did look tired by the end of the battle. But by what I saw yesterday was something scary at a same time it was thrilling exciting. I wanted to learn how to summon those animals.

Today finally I get to at go to a normal classroom, and feel at least a normal student for now. Perhaps later we're going to learn something abnormal, but I think I am all used to it now.

The director is not useless. He's actually highly intellectual. Going after all of this things at the first of school is sure is shockingly unbelievable, but that is how he wanted to want us to get used to it, and this is our daily routine as Exceeds.

I took a step into the classroom and I was greeted by Sierra holding out her hand to greet mine. I took mine into hers feeling her warmth spread through my hands.

During my first normal class Sierra kept guiding and teaching me things that Class S students to know, and to be honest she's genius. Despite her appearance being a bad boy bad girl she is when she becomes focus on something she is completely absorbed in it solving the problems.

So far our subjects had been normal never did I thought in this school for abilities we had to learn science, math, and languages. They were all pretty normal until the other half of the school day.

Sierra had to share her book with me about summoning, and I was to summon my animal in front of the whole class with everyone watching me.

I stood on the platform of the classroom, and try to imagine the summoning circle in front of me. The stars, moon, and the sun then finally the challenge comes trying to see my spirit animal. The image of a snake took a form in front of me. It seemed friendly. "Appear."

The summing circle appeared and my animal appeared, but it was an irregular spirit animal. It wasn't just a spirit animal it was two. There were countless of gasp in the room at the surprise of this animal. It was floating in the sky. They looked like and snake but it wasn't this was the famous Chinese dragons that all Chinese love.

The dragons roared and looked at me with their slit eyes. One was completely red and the other was completely dark the two of them looked like they were keeper of hell or something. They looked so demonic to be worship as a god.

As their eyes traveled around the classroom the red one looked at my classroom teacher as he shook in fear in fact all of them are. This made me curious why are they so afraid of the dragon. They were all either closing their eyes or either holding their partners hands.

The dragons did not move just gazing around in the air for a couple of moments until their slit eyes landed on mine. They both open their giant mouth revealing their giant teeth the shape of a tiger. I was a little afraid, but at a same time I feel a little connection with them. Bravely I put the both of my hands on their snout, and I could feel them. Alone and afraid like me. I could feel their emotions as they were pouring out to me.

The room was filled with silent and fear. The teacher remain frozen in his place. Before I knew what I was doing I began to sing.

The song was so foreign in my mouth but felt so nostalgic. It was like I was going back to the time where I was stuck in that pure darkness. I couldn't get out I was lonely there was nobody to accompany me.

The dragons close its eyes, and it seems that it had calmed from my voice. It's anger slowly vanish.

I put my head on their headache. Only then I could feel that we are forming a pact unlike what the summoning book said to create a name. We already made a pact through my song. It seems that they already had a name.

"Baishi and Kuro. Baishi you're color isn't really red right it's actually white." It nods it's head shaking it's body while it transform into white.

"My name is in fact Baishi," she talked out loud in the classroom but her mouth did not move. "I am the light and he is the dark. Together we are strong. Only an exceeds who has attributes to both dark and light can contact us. We have been waiting for a long time. A very long time."

"I have been waiting for a long time as well."

The dragon seems to smile. "The contract has been made and we wish to stay with you all the time."

"I think you're going to scare everyone with that big form of yours."

"We can change our size," Kuro said his voice was deep.

Their four legs of eagle landed on the ground and change their size of a small Poodle. Everyone is watching my spirit animal in awe they weren't afraid, and I was getting embarrassed.

"I think you're getting a lot of attention."

"Alot of people likes to get attention don't you master?" Baishi question.

"I don't," I answered truthfully.

They looked at each other. "Then I think this will suit you." They flew in the air in their small form. They came around my neck and suddenly became a round metal necklace carved and shape a like snake both of them facing each other.

"Thank you," I said. And it seems like I could feel their warmth. I turned to my class teacher. "I'm sorry Mr. Hawkins."

"No there is nothing wrong with that. It's actually very normal if your dragons went havoc, but yours didn't in which I am very happy that didn't happen. Baishi and Kuro if I'm not wrong they are one of the oldest mythical dragons. There is one person who actually summoned them before. If I'm not mistaken that person wasn't human. It was actually a necromancer."

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