How we met?

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Chapter 21



"Well isn't this an unpleasant surprise," grandma said.

I just shook my head gripping tightly to my father shirt. He knew I was afraid, and I knew he was confused just as I was.

Get out of here!

Get out of here!

Voices there were still in my head. "How do I get out of here?" I whisper.

"Mom, please tell us what is going on here? What is this place? Who are these people? Mom.. what are planning to do?"

Grandma walks into the room looking at my father and me then back up to the people who looks exactly like us. 

"Perhaps," grandma looked at us. "It will not be bad if I told you. What you're about to hear it might shock you, but this is Emma and your very fate. It's a cruel one, but everyone has a part to play in the world. Emma and yours just have to be a very cruel one."

"Mom, I don't understand."

She walked towards us and patted my dad on his shoulder looking down at me. "This will help you things better." She placed her hand onto my father forehead and a weird glow went inside of his head before he fell onto the floor unconscious. Grandma turns to look at me and she blew a sparkle of dust that was forming on the palm of her hand to my forehead. For a few moments my eyes were getting drowsy and before I knew it the world twirled and hit my head onto the ground my eyes succumb to darkness.


I was walking my dresses was getting in the way of my walking, but if this is the way for me to get out of my own birthday party tonight then so be it. I battle against every little branch and twigs out of my face pulling my dress upwards so I could walked better. 

I walked towards the little stream of water with fish swimming with the current. I breathe there was nothing better than the smell of fresh air down in my lungs. I was getting sick being locked in my own bedroom because my powers are too powerful for my own good.

However, I am the princess I can't be treated this way. My mother told me that someday I will become someone great. Someone powerful and I will be chosen to lead our people all because I bear the successor birth mark. Which it is a rare case among our kind. Girls were never chosen to rule, but I was.

I sat down on the green pasture my feet in the cold water. I loved the cold they never bothered me. I also loved the sun. I laid down onto the green pasture with the big tree shadow covering my whole body from sunlight and slight wind blew my way. It was the perfect weather to take a nap.

Before I could close my eyes something or someone fell off the sky hitting the tree breaking a lot of twigs before landing onto the ground. I scrambled my feet together and ran towards it jumping across the small stream of river. My heart raced when I see a girl on the ground unconscious. She was hurt everywhere. There was blood on her lips and on her stomach. 

I crouched down onto the girl. I concentrated my light magic onto her wound imagining her wound closing up on its own and the wound did. I held my hand up to the side breathing the air as I collected magic onto the palm of my hands sending it to her body as she slowly healed. I groaned and sat down onto the floor using healing magic is a pain in the ass, and it takes up a lot of my energy.

I looked towards the girl. She was surprisingly beautiful and wearing armor really suits her tomboy looks. She held some sort of elegance in her looks. Her eyes opened up sitting up quickly  before falling back down again. "Ugh," she groaned putting her hand onto her eyes. "That actually hurt!"

"Of course, dummy," I scolded at the complete stranger. "You got up too fast."

"Hmm.. Yea... I should get back. But where am I?"

"You're just outside the Kritanta Castle."

"Wait... Doesn't that mean I am inside Kritanta domain."

"Yes you are."

"Are you-"

"My name is Elizabeth Kritanta. What's yours?"

She smiles. "My name is Jane Acadian." She held out her hand to meet mine, and I held hers. The moment we did that I saw two strings and they turned purple. Then very slowly I noticed that my heart was beating faster and faster than normal. We both looked at each other, and I couldn't help but to wonder if we could actually become friends.

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