First Day, First Kiss

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Chapter 3

I woke up in the morning feeling heavy. I was sweating so much in the morning something feels so weird. Ever since I entered this school cross the barrier my body feels all jiggly inside. My body it's hot and my vision is sharper all my senses was clear.

To be honest something about this makes me feels good except for the part where my body is rising in temperature and weirdly it feels cold. The hotter my body temperature gets at a same time later it gets colder.

I headed to shower and weirdly enough I didn't want to bath in hot water I want the cold. After the shower I felt refresh like I was reborn. I feel like I can just do anything with the new found strength. I wonder was this my ability.

I breathe in the cold air into my lungs and back out. I felt so refreshed. I wore a black skinny jeans with lots of buttons up to my waist and a cut on the top of knee so it reveals my knee whenever I walk or sit down. At the bottom of jeans length was folded up neatly I wore a short white clothing that is only up to my waist with a low circle cut on the top with a white string attached at the top of shirt to make look like I am wearing choker with a star hanging down from it.

The style is plain and simple. I hope I can make some friends on the first day of this school. I combed my brown straight hair and blow dry it.

I put a little moisturizer then SPF 50+ sunscreen on my face and that's it! I am ready for the day and my heart was beating fast. I took a book and my pencil case dropping it down to my hand bag just in case we're learning anything today taking my handphone slipping it down to my pocket.

I glanced at my roommate bed but she was already long gone, and just when I thought of her she came in the room drenched in sweat. I thought I was tall for a sixteen years old five feet and six inch but Sierra was definitely taller than me by a head.

Her purple eyes seems to glance daggers at me they were so cold and looking over my clothing I took a protective stance ever since I woke up in the hospital everybody seems to look at me a lot which makes nervous.

She gave in a sigh. "Do you know that we are being judged by the source today?"

I nodded my head. "I think the director didn't explain everything to you haven't he?" This time I shook. "Should've known. I hate to break it to you but you look absolutely stunning in those clothing but today the novice will be fighting with the seniors in our school and then the source will judge you on what abilities you have and unlock your abilities. That's how the source works."

"Oh?" Was the only word that left my mouth. I quickly took off my shirt, but to only be stopped by Sierra sudden call.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking my clothes off. Why?"

She put a hand over her eyes. "I guess he even left out an important fact. I wonder how he managed to be a director of this school. Damn. Most ability users are homosexuals and have large sexual drive meaning you are in the school of hungry animals waiting to devour you. I got to say you are very fucking hot so do please be careful in what you wear." I winced at the swear word. "But with that body of yours you look good in everything. So kindly suggest you to wear something more normal to protect yourself."

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