Chapter 1 - First Impressions

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Grace P.O.V.

My parents and I had a great life out in France. We had a beautiful home, plenty of grounds and gorgeous weather to bask in. As I'm sure you can imagine, being told by my father that we were going to leave it all behind did not go down very well with my mother and I. We were moving back to England to be closer to family with the dark times that are ahead of us. 

My mother informed me that they had made arrangements to transfer me to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for my remaining academic years. They were both so excited as this was their school and the school they adored and held close to their hearts. All I could think about was having to make a whole new bunch of friends. I'd be sad to leave Beauxbatons behind me and all the friends I had but I have no choice. 

We arrived at Hogwarts the day before the new school year began at Dumbledore's request. This was so we could get a tour round the castle and the grounds, which also meant a lot of giggling from my mother and father as the reminisced about where they first met and how they had their first kiss on the bridge. It was also to fill in any paperwork such as permission slips for Hogsmeade  

Then came the part my parents were most excited about, sorting me into my house.

"I'm telling you, Slytherin, just like your Dad!"  My father said as he puffed out his chest proudly.

"No chance, Grace is bound to be in Ravenclaw! She's got the wit, the intelligence and the best grades, just like her mother!" My mother said excitedly throwing a wink my way. I just laughed at them both as I took a seat on the stool and Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on my head. 

Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape and Sprout all gathered round alongside my parents as the hat began to speak.

"A young Hawthorne 'ey, well lets have a look and see. Yes, I can see you would do well in Slytherin, a pure blooded witch with a determination to succeed and a family of Slytherin's, mmmm. Let's see, ahhh, I can see you have a lot of knowledge for a witch your age, a keen thirst for learning. Very interesting indeed. It better be...RAVENCLAW!" My grin spread from ear to ear as the hat was taken off me and I ran to my mother who looked so proud and engulfed me in a hug. My father of course was happy for me but I could see a slight disappointment in his eyes. 

"Not to worry." He said, "I guess Ravenclaw turn out some pretty decent witches he said winking and my mother and slapping her gently on her bum. I rolled my eyes and turned around to Dumbledore who had a look of amusement on his face after seeing that disturbing display of affection between my parents. 

"Professor Flitwick is the head of Ravenclaw house, he will show you up to your dormitory where you will find you things have been moved to." He said motioning his hand to the Professor who had a large smile on his face. 

"After you have said your goodbyes I will show you the way to Ravenclaw tower. You will have it all to yourself tonight until the rest of the students arrive tomorrow. I will send owls to a few other Ravenclaw girls tonight so they know to look out for you tomorrow when they arrive."

I said my goodbyes to my parents both of whom were a bit chocked up and followed Professor Flitwick to Ravenclaw Tower. I didn't realise how late it had gotten until I looked out the window on one of the corridors on our way, and all that met me was pitch black. 

"Here we are!" He grinned. "Now then, to enter you must solve the riddle given by our bronze eagle door knocker." And right on que it began to speak.

"Many have heard me, but none have seen me. I will only speak when spoken to. What am I?"

It took me all of 20 seconds seeing as I love riddles. "An echo." I said proudly looking down at Flitwick who seemed impressed. The door swung open and we entered into the common room. I'd never seen anything like it. It was gorgeous. A wide circular room, the floor had a midnight blue carpet covered in stars on it which reflected onto the dome ceiling. There were large arched windows draped in blue and bronze silks which offered panoramic views of the whole grounds and mountains beside and gave the room a light and airy feel. There were bookcases filled to the brim with books and big dark blue sofas and armchairs and a roaring marble fireplace. I was drinking it all in, Ravenclaw was definitely the house for me!

"Well this is where I leave you and bid you goodnight Grace, so happy to have you here at Hogwarts and even more so to have you a part of Ravenclaw house." Professor Flitwick said whilst smiling back to me. He left the common room and I had the place to myself.  My first though was, which book do I read first...

The next morning I woke up in the exquisitely decorated dormitory  it had four poster beds which had sky blue bedding and matching curtains with a nightstand next to it. My trunk was at the foot of the bed and a blue upholstered armchair sat next to my nightstand with a window next to it. I slowly woke myself up and headed to the bathroom to have a relaxing bath. My nerves had begun to send butterflies through my stomach at the thought of everyone arriving. I wanted to make a good first impression so I curled my gorgeous red hair with a charm we all used at Beauxbatons and plaited it so it was half up and half down. From what I heard from the other girls, Hogwarts girls don't really wear a lot of make up so I went for a more natural make up look than normal using my enchanted brushes which basically did all the work for me. I have my awesome Aunt to thank for those! I pulled on my black opaque tights,  my grey box pleat skirt that sat mid thigh sort of length. I tucked my fitted white shirt into it and did my bronze and blue tie up. I grabbed my grey sweater that had blue and bronze stipe around the hems and the eagle crest on the left chest, and pulled it over my head being careful not to touch my hair or make up. This was easy as it was v-neck. I performed a charm to make it slightly more fitted and flattering on me, I don't know why the uniforms are so baggy. They're nothing like my old one. I pull on my Ravenclaw robe and survey myself in the mirror. It's a lot different from what I'm used to but, it'll do. I slide on my black shoes and I'm ready to go.

I made my way down to Professor Flitwick's classroom as he requested so that he could introduce me to some other Ravenclaw girls. He introduced me to Padma, Lisa, Luna and Cho. We were all in different year groups but they were all so lovely. They've all asked me to teach them my hair charm and asked me to teach them how I do my make up within the first 10 minutes. We made our way into the great hall chatting away between ourselves. As soon as I turned the corner to head towards the Ravenclaw table I walked straight into the back of someone. He turned around with a disgusted look on his face, sneering at me. We made eye contact and his eye soften for just one moment until he venomously said "Watch where you're going." And stalked off to the Slytherin table. 

I looked to Cho who shook her head. "Ignore him, that's Malfoy, he's always like that." And led me to the Ravenclaw table. She introduced me to more fellow Ravenclaws as we were passing them to sit down. 

I couldn't get Malfoy out of my head. Who does he think he is? I shot a glance over at the Slytherin table to be met with his dark grey eyes staring back to into mine. He muttered something to his friend and broke the stare. 

I couldn't help thinking it myself, great first impression Grace!

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