The Help of a Mother

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This was requested by @userdoglove and @Vanilla_Pepsi hope you both enjoy!

Hazel- 6 months old


'Too early, way too early' Harry thought as he cracked one eye open from where his head was buried into the pillow. He groaned as the quiet whimpers quickly escalated into cries that rang through the baby monitor on Harry's nightstand. Next to that was his clock, which read 05:45. Since Hazel had showed up, Harry almost never slept past 7:30. However, even this was a bit early for Hazel to wake up.

Harry stumbled out of bed, not even bothering to put a shirt on. Besides, Hazel often liked skin-to-skin contact anyway. He walked the few short feet from his bedroom to Hazel's next door. The cries got louder once he entered.
"Love, why are you waking Daddy up so early, huh?" Harry mumbled in his sleep-ridden voice. He lifted the baby up from where she was laying down in the crib. He also grabbed her favorite blanket, stuffed animal, and dummy.
"Daaa," Hazel cried, gripping on to Harry's skin. In doing so, it reminded Harry to trim her fingernails soon.
"Shh, you're alright love, shh," Harry soothed, sitting down in the rocking chair. He laid his daughter against his chest, laying the blanket over her back. He attempted to give her the stuffed animal, but she took no interest in it and instead nuzzled her face in the crook between Harry's neck and shoulder.

"What a cuddle bug," Harry cooed. He began to hum softly and rock back and forth as Hazel's cries became quieter. He slipped the pacifier in her mouth, which significantly helped.

After another ten minutes or so, Harry figured Hazel had finally fallen asleep. He looked down at his daughter, and was surprised to find she was still awake and looking up at him, eyes watery. Before the man could even begin to soothe her, Hazel spat out her pacifier and began crying again. The father threw his head back in frustration. Not so much because of her, but because he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Woah, pal, what happened? You were almost asleep a moment ago," Harry looked at her with a concerned face. He lifted her up and positioned to her to pat her back. Maybe she needed to burp. He also checked her diaper as well, which was completely dry.

Harry tried anything he could think of; singing, burping, and checking if she needed to release gas. He even tried giving her milk, and she didn't want it. Finally, Harry noticed the fact that she kept putting her hands in her mouth. Now, he would've ignored that observation since that was something babies tended to do if it weren't for the other fact that her cheeks seemed swollen.

"Oh, Hazel, are you getting your first tooth?" Hardy wondered aloud. He gently stuck a finger in and felt around until he felt the slight elevated hard bump from her gums, signifying the start of a tooth. "Aw, poor baby; that looks painful," Harry frowned, kissing her little curls. Hazel whimpered, sticking her fingers back in.

Luckily, Harry was prepared for this. His daughter recently had a check up. The doctor had mentioned that teething would start at anytime now and that he should starting buying teething toys and refrigerating them, and also get some baby Advil if he hasn't already.

With his whimpering daughter in his arms and feeling very tired, Harry trudged downstairs to the kitchen and retrieved a circular blue teething ring from the freezer.
"Here we go, sweetheart," Harry cooed, offering the object. Hazel's curious hands immediately took and put it right in her mouth. Her cries quickly stopped, and Harry let out a sigh of relief.

Not wanting her to begin crying again, Harry decided to let Hazel spend he rest of the night with him. He put pillows on the other side of her so she was guarded on both sides, and both feel asleep in a matter of minutes.

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