Chapter Ten

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Unfortunately, I don't get to bask on relief long, because after a few minutes, I hear Hazel start to cry loudly. It's going to be a long day.....

I go to the living room where Hazel is crying, holding one baby doll in each hand. She looks up at me and drops the toys, reaching her chubby arms up for me.
"What's going on with you today, Bub?" I ask, hoisting her small frame onto my hip. She starts crying louder so I just bounce her around, trying to calm her down in any way possible.

I'm still not sure what's causing this behaviour. Maybe she is sick? I feel her small forehead. She doesn't feel warm at all. I'm really not sure what else it could be. Maybe she's just not having a good day. I'm just so confused. Maybe I should call my mom. She'll know what to do.
"Hazel, shh-shh...." I say, rocking her. She's not crying much anymore, just small whimpers leaving her mouth. I feel like the worst parent right now because I don't know what's wrong! It's not the first time it's happened and I'm positive it's not the last.

I call up my mom and she answers after only about two rings.

"Hey Harry!" She greets cheerfully.

"Hi." I say in a dull tone. I'm really tired and just can't produce a happy tone. My mom notices, she notices everything. It's kind of creepy.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asks. Her voice immediately goes from from cheerful, to concerned.

"Well, Hazel woke up at 5:30 this morning and she's been very cranky ever since; not drinking her milk, crying a lot. I'm not sure what to do. Could you come over?" I ask, feeling a bit guilty for calling my mom when Hazel is my responsibility.

"Yeah, of course I'll come over. Be there in about ten minutes." She says, then hangs up.

While I wait for my mom, I try everything I can to make Hazel even the slightest bit happy. I manage to get her to drink a little bit more of her bottle, getting little sips into her mouth every minute or so. I moved the bottle away after she shoves it into my face, quite hard I might add.

Hazel just rests in my arms for a minute in silence, before her mouth lets out a little hiccup. She looks at me with discomfort, whining. I immediately go into action. If she were to start crying again, I think I would start crying as well.
"Shh-shhh, no, it's okay, Sweetie. Can you burp for me?" I move her so her head is resting on my shoulder. I start patting her back, being a little anxious. She lets out another hiccup and kicks her legs into my stomach with frustration. "Come on, Sweetie. I know you can do it." I encourage her, patting her back a little bit harder now.

Just as I get a burp out of Hazel, my mom enters. I gave her an extra key because, well, why not?
"Hey Hazel! Are you cranky today?" My mom says in a baby voice, kicking her shoes off and immediately directing her attention to Hazel.
"Nice to see you too Mom!" I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes at me before taking a fussy Hazel in her arms.
"Hiiii Harry." She says without any emotion, dragging out the 'hi'. She directs her attention back to Hazel, who is whimpering and reaching her arms out for me, now suddenly being clingy.

"Now, let's see....." My mom says, examining Hazel.
"No fever, no cold, throat seems fine." My mom says, touching Hazel in different places on her body. "She's not teething." My mom looks at Hazel's mouth, despite my baby's protests. "I'm not sure wha- oh! Wait!" My mom looks at me, wide-eyed. "When was the last time she had a bath?" I think for minute.
"I've actually never bathed her. But what does that have to do with her bad mood?" I don't understand, even though I feel like I should.

My Little Kiwi [H.S] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now