My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 38

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Part 38

Ok! This is where some problem start to come up!


Alex's POV

I can't believe all the guys just said I was sexy!! I mean I'm really not that cute or pretty, I'm just average me. I've never thought of changing myself, though, because I like myself just the way I am.

There's a reason why I have black hair, with blue tips, and deep blue eyes, so why would I try to change it? Even when I had black hair and brown eyes, I didn't think about changing it, because I liked it. You should never take your looks for granted, they make you pretty, in your own way.

Mrs. Spivey was talking about the annual Christmas Dance, where everyone went, but me. Many people had tried to make me go to dances or school events, Emo buddies, Stephanie and John, Teachers, even the Principle said I should "Let loose" for a while. I never had any interest in those kinds of things, and it just wasn't me. I really don't spend any time with people outside of school. Why? Because I'm a loner. That's just how I live. It's my nature, in a way, I guess.

The school day went by pretty fast, nothin went wrong and before I knew it, it was lunch time. Me, Alec, Brendan, and Oscar hung out with the pack, like last week. It was fun like usual. Then someone had to come over and ruin it.

Gwen, volley ball captain, her boyfriend Dylan, Quarterback of the football team, Amber, Head Cheerleader, total slut, her boyfriend Nick, linebacker of the football team, all came up at once. (AN: remember them from the previous chapters, well not Nick, I just made him up)

The conversation stopped, all over the cafeteria, as they made their way over. I just knew they were here to torment me. I could practically feel it coming. My ok day is going to be ruined. Thanks guys, I thought sarcastically. Alec stood up, and followed suit, not wanting him to get into any trouble.

"Hey, Aleeeeexxxx. What's up?" Gwen says, stretching my name out.

I don't reply, I just look down, wanting her to go away.

"Gwen, leave me alone, please." I ask her, sounding really pathetic.

"Sure. After you give us, the new kids back." she replies.

"They're not mine to give. They decided on their own to hang out with me." I told her.

"Dude, why the heck would you want to hang out with (her)?! She cries and cuts herself all day and she's completely useless. Why don't you try out for the football team, you'd make great players." Dylan said, talking to Alec, Brendan, and Oscar.

Brendan stood next to me, and Oscar behind me. They looked angry, all three of them, not to mention the pack.

"Dude, Shut up. I've never seen her cut or cry, have you?! She's a straight A student and could whoop your arse any day. No, we won't try out, especially cause you just said that about Alex." Brendan retaliated.

"Come on, man. She's not worth it. You wanna be a loser like her, or an popular football player?" Nick interjected.

"She's not a loser, her intellect is far for superior than yours. Her IQ points are greater than yours too. Your just a dumb football player." Oscar rebutted.

They didn't understand that, it was funny, looking at their confused faces. Bells came over and stood next to me, in front of Brendan, her hands on her hips.

"It means she's way smarter than you, and it's also a nice way of saying leave her alone." she says, hands still on her hips.

"Bella, you too? You wanna stick with the unpopular low status people over us, the popular, got it all people?!" Tracy asks, looking shocked.

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