My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 78

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Part 78

Alec’s POV

Brendan, Oscar, Josh and Andrew went in for the front attack, head on. Bells, Olive, Jack, John and Jacob went for trying to find his weakness and exploiting it. Either way, they served as great distractions.

I was able to figure out that the connection still worked with Alex and me, which meant that if she was awake inside her head, then I could maybe find some way to get her out.

(Alex, Alex, baby girl, can you hear me?) I thought to her.

Before I knew it, I was blasted by some fire, and thought it didn’t burn it managed to send me flying in the opposite direction. I tumbled down trying to stop rolling and when the momentum finally stopped I got up, with minimum scratches, thanks gosh.

Everyone came rushing to me, forgetting about the task at hand.

“Alec are you ok?” Bells asked. 

“He’s fine, just some scratches, nothing to worry about.” Marie commented.

“Stop worrying about me and get back to your positions!!!” I hissed at everyone.

They realized their mistakes and quickly rushed to get back to the tasks, they had been assigned. It was too late though the devil had found our weakness and exploited it. He attacked all of us with his flame and had everyone down in less than a second. They were all scattered everywhere, on the floor. Fortunately, they were ok, however, they were passed out, and of no use to me at this time. I was all alone, and suppose to deal with the devil while finding Alex at the same time.

“Now it’s just you and me, a fair fight, don’t you think?” He said, in his deep voice.

He and I both knew this wasn’t fair. He had an advantage with his super powers, Alex’s powers and that this day was his strongest day ever. Even with me being the strongest supernatural in the world, I couldn’t beat him. I had only one other choice. I have to tug at her heart strings, if Alex is anywhere in there, then I’ll get her out, no matter what.

“Alex, come one. I know you’re in there. Please, I need you.” I pleaded to her.

“Your precious Alex is gone!!! If I manage to keep her for a whole 24 hours, I can take over her entire body!!” The devil yelled his plan.

“Alex, please. I need you. Bells and Olive need you. Josh and Andrew need you. Stephanie and John need you. Jack, John and Jacob need you. Marie, Maria, and Mary need you. Daniel, David, Damon need you. We all need you. The world needs you.” I told her.

“Alec…help…me.” This time it was Alex’s sweet voice.

Somehow Alex had managed to get control for a little bit. It brought relief to me, to know she was ok, and fighting.

“No!! I won’t let you take over!” The devil fought back.

“Please, Alec, help!” Alex’s voice screamed at me.

“No!! I will rule you!! You can’t dominate over me!!!” The devil retaliated.

Alex, my Alex was in there somewhere, and if she was even barely holding on, by the looks of it. I had to find a way to get her out.

Suddenly, everyone regained consciousness, they were all waking up. I rushed to check if they were ok, they seemed fine. Everyone got back in their positions without another word.

“Alec, help me!!” Alex’s voice shot through the air.

Everyone was shocked at that, thinking Alex was back. I took a bit of each element and thrust it at her, immobilizing her. She was knocked clear into the woods, buried under some trees. I hadn’t wanted to her hurt her, but I knew she was in pain and trying to fight the devil at the same time, so knocking them both out seemed like a good idea.

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