My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 11

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So this is going to have a little friendship, but their still not acting normal with each other, more like formal. I don't know where this book is going, because it has a mind of it's own.

You know, every book, online or on paper, that I've ever read, has had a happy ending. Well that's not how it works in real life so my book might not have the ending your looking for.


Alec's POV

YES!!!!! I finally got her to be friends with me! We are finally getting somewhere, now all I have to do is get her to like me, in one month.

Oh boy, this is going to be hard. Hey guys have any ideas, I thought, cause I'm fresh out of them.

"Well, how bout you not do anything the first day. So she has time to relax, cause dude your way too forceful" Oscar pointed out, in my head.

"Okay? So what do I do?" I asked aloud.

We were at home, watching TV, eating chips and soda, in celebration, and cause we're bored.

My mom and dad, Alpha and Female Alpha, are out on some business, and Pamela, my little sister, 14 years old, is out with the other werewolf girls her age, at a party, since the elders are at a meeting, little ones aren't allowed in.

We didn't get any notification, saying we were to attend, so we didn't go. We were just hanging out for awhile, and playing Xbox.

My cell phone vibrated, I don't put it on volume, because I need it at school, for wolf business. I paused the game and pressed send.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?" I said, using caller ID.

"Son, did you not know there was a meeting? Or did no one notify you?" my dad said, puzzled.

"No I knew there was a meeting. I just didn't get a notification." I said.

"Well it was a mistake, someone forgot to contact you to come. Bring you Beta and Omega too. It's an emergency." dad said, calmly.

"We're coming." I said, and hung up.

"Guys, we got to go to the meeting, someone forgot to contact us, and it's an emergency. Let's go" I said, filling them in, while grabbing my keys.

We went to a secret location in the forest. I won't tell you where because then it wouldn't be a secret if I told you.

We got there and then we immediately morphed, and headed into the forest to our meeting place. I was a black wolf with white fur around my paws and brown eyes like my human eyes. Brendan's wolf is a lot like him too his wolf is dirty blonde. Oscar's wolf is brown and his eyes are sky blue. Me and my dad are the only wolfs that have white fur around our paws, I think it's cause were alphas, but I'm not sure

So when we got to the meeting place, we saw that all of the adults were there, 20 and up, and no teens but us, because we are going to inherit our fathers place. I saw my mom and dad, also in wolf form, even the elderly were in wolf form.

We are born human, then after the first 10 minutes of our lives, we transform to our wolfs and we stay like that, after 10 more minutes we go back to human, and we don't ever stop transforming. We always have our wolf side, and our wolf reflects us.

We went over to our parents, which were in a group, and joined them.

"Dad, is something wrong?" I say, in my head, joining the conversation.

"Why didn't we get a notification?" asks Brendan, also joining in.

"What's up with the emergency meeting?" Oscar asks, joining in as well.

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