Weekend Getaway

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Requested by: babydanvxerss 

Lena had been wanting to do something special for you. She knew you didn't have any plans for the weekend so without a second thought she booked the cabin.

The day before they were suppose to leave, she had asked your sister to take care of Lauren. In on the plan, Lauren requested for a bunch of souvenirs to be brought to her so she wouldn't tell her mom. Lena was already planning on doing so and quickly agreed. 

With everything taken care of, Lena just now needed to tell you. Placing the confirmation sheet on a folder, she made her way to your office at their place.

"What's this?"

"Just open it."

She said with a smile. Curious to see what Lena was hiding, you opened it, quickly reading through the page. 

"Lena, you didn't have to..."

"I wanted to. The two of us have been working too hard and deserve a vacation."

You stood up, wrapping your arms around her neck to kiss her. 

"Well how can I say no to this."


The very next day, the two of you had packed and left early in the morning after dropping off Lauren. The plane ride was quick and it didn't take long for you to be driven to the cabin. 

"Lena, this is beautiful."

You tell her as you take notice of the view from the  windows. The view of the beach had always been your favorite. It always calmed you down whenever you looked at it. 

"I knew you would like it. The two of us need to work out our stress and figured the ocean view would definitely be a start."

You pushed her against the wall and kissed her like if your life depended on it. The two of you had spent the entire day exploring each other's bodies in various places of the cabin.

For the most part, the two of you had spent the day out in the beach, simply just enjoying the breeze and sun. Lena refused to move from under the umbrella, only doing so when you asked her to put sunscreen on you. 

It was an overall an amazing experience and you just wished it didn't have to end. 


"Can't we just run away and never go back."

Lena laughed and shook her head. It was the last night at the cabin and currently, the two of you were cuddled up in bed.

"We can't just leave Lauren."

"We'll bring her with us."

Lena smiled and leaned in to kiss you.

"I'm sorry, darling. We can't run away but I can promise you that we will have another of these getaways. How does that sound?"

"I'm thinking we go to (destination), next"

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ