Let's Keep Annoying Lena at 3AM

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Prompt: Janafo28

It was another long night that you had been tossing and turning while thinking about a specific question that had been on your mind for the day.

"Babe? Hey babe? Are you awake?"

Lena sighs heavily at your voice and decided to answer as she knew if she ignored you that you would just get louder.

"Now I am. Why?"

You gave her a wide smile before continuing.

"Uhm... if we were in a spaceship, traveling at the speed of light..."

"Here we go again (y/n)!!! I told you to stop waking me up for these questions."

You shrugged and ran your fingers through her hair to stop her from getting mad at you.

"Shh baee. Shh. Listen... and if we turned on the light, do you think they will do anything?"

Lena clenched her jaw in irritation and grabbed a pillow to hit you with it.

"Let." Smack. "Me" Smack. Smack. "Fucking." Smack. "Sleep!!!"Smack.

The last one being much harder than the others.

"Sheesh. You could have just said that you didn't know."


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