Phone Call

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The world's greatest invention was the text message. You would seriously worship the ground of the person that came up with the idea of text messages to save you the time of giving someone a call. There really was nothing wrong with giving someone a call but you absolutely hated it. You knew how horrible your voice sounded through a microphone and despite being the CEO of a company, you avoided making calls as much as possible. 

However Lena did not care, she would always give you a call whenever possible despite you telling her that you hated calls. 

"Babe, I really don't understand why you prefer calling me when you could just send me a simple reply through a message. It's much more faster than waiting for me to answer or leaving me a voicemail when I can't come to the phone."

"You do have a point but I would rather waste a couple of seconds waiting for you to answer than text you. I just love hearing your voice."

Her answer made you smile. How was it even possible to fall even more in love with your wife. 

"Feel free to give me as many calls as you'd like. I'll always answer for you, love."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now