Little Rocks not Bricks

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Leon had been trying to search for ways to ask out his friend Jamie. He knew that she also liked him but he wanted to do something special to ask him out. Especially because he wanted to impress her. All the ideas he saw online weren't good enough and it was frustrating. He let out and annoyed sigh and let his head rest on the desk.

You had been working on a project as Leon worked with you on his homework. Hearing his annoyed sigh, made you stop and turn around to face him to ask what was wrong. You walked over to him to ask him but stopped when you noticed what he was looking at.

"Having trouble?"

"You have no idea. How did you ask out mum?"

"Well I was in the same dilemma as you. I wanted to do something romantic yet private so I went with the classic 'throwing little rocks at her windows' trick. It got her attention and we started dating soon after.

Leon loved your idea and suddenly perked up once he realized that it was perfect. He stood up and was about to head out before stopping and then hugging you.

"Thanks mom."


He never mentioned anything about it anymore so you assumed it had gone well.

Three days later, there was some loud and instant knocking at our door while we ate breakfast. Lena stood up and headed to see what the big emergency was. 

You figured it was just someone trying to sell us something so you didn't bother to check it out. When you heard some lady arguing and screaming with Lena, you stood up and headed to the door to see what was going on. 

Your face went white when you heard what he had done. Lena had taken care of everything after handing her a check for the damages. You were about to head to the bedroom as well as Leon when she stopped the two of you.


She said as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at you and Leon. He was the first one to crack and told her about what I had said. Practically blaming it on me. You had to defend yourself or else you would be in trouble.

"Oh no no no. I said little rocks not bricks!"

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now