Our Idiots

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Kelly had recently joined the 'Our Partners are Idiots' club. She had no clue about the trouble the three of you would get into. It's why she had panicked when a call had come through to her office about Alex getting arrested. With no one else to call, she dialed both Lena and Lucy.

"Alex was arrested!"

"Woah, hold on Kelly. Start from the beginning. What did they tell you?"

"The cop mentioned that she had been arrested for disturbing the peace. He mentioned that there was also two other women with her but they didn't want to contact anyone."

Lena sighs and shakes her head. Already knowing who the other two women were.

"Don't worry Kelly. Meet us at the precinct."

The three of them arrive at almost the exact same time.

"Hi, I'm here to..."

Lena interrupts her, knowing it was just quicker with her method. After all, everyone already knew them. Kelly gives her a questioning look but doesn't say anything as she lets Lena handle everything.

"We're here to pick up our idiots."

The cop gave Lena a confused look.

"and who are your idiots?"

"Huh. You must be new here."


The cop comes back with you, Kara and Alex.

"So these must be your idiots. That explains a lot. Try to keep them out of trouble."

"Oh we try but they somehow never seem to stay away from it."

Lucy answers.

All of you have the decency to at least look guilty as Lucy talks. After making their way outside, Lena finally asks what you had all done this time.

"Look, Lena. What's important is that we're all safe."

Alex answers, wanting to help you stay out of trouble

"You won't be when you finally tell me why you got yourself arrested."

Lena warns you.

"It wasn't a big deal, Lena. The cop was just exaggerating."

"Alex! You were arrested. I'm sure the cop had a reason."

Kara interrupts, wanting to help her sister out.

"We might have gotten into small fight."


Lucy glares at Kara. Knowing it would make her crumble.

"It was (y/n)! She started it. We were just making sure she wouldn't get hurt."

"KARA! How could you!? I though you were my friend."

Lena, Kelly and Lucy just shake their head. Finding it hard that the DEO's top agents were complete idiots.

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz