What Marriage is Like #1 - Candy

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It was a rare treat to take the kids to the candy shop. Lena hated giving them candy as she feared it would give them cavities but the two of you had agreed to only take them once a month. It certainly helped that Lena's guilty pleasure was only sold at that store.

Since she didn't want to eat them all in one sitting, she gave them to you to hide. You hid in your office, knowing she wouldn't even think of searching there.

On the next morning, Leon is woken up by the two of you fighting over something. He headed out of bed to see if there was anything he could do to help the two of you calm down but decided it was better to just let the two of you work it out when he heard what it was about.

"Where's the candy (y/n)!?! Where is it you idiot!?"

"Why are you even mad at me?! You asked for this."

"Where the hell is the candy?!"

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