Happily Married

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It's barely been a year after saying "I do" and it was still just you and Lena. Leon hadn't even been planned yet. You had just gotten hired at the DEO mainly so you could spend more time with Lena, except instead of being hired to design weapons and such, you were hired as an agent. Lena had been opposed to it but after seeing you in your suit, she had no complaints.

You had been assigned to accompany Kara and Alex while Lena had stayed with J'onn back at the DEO.

"(Y/n)? What's your status?"

Kara asked through the comms while taking down one of the aliens that had come out of nowhere.

"Happily married! You?"

You replied after taking down one of the alien's minions.

Kara giggled at your answer. Sometimes it felt good to laugh while working a particular stressful mission. Alex hated it when the two of you would use the comms to joke around always saying that it would eventually get someone hurt but neither of you really paid attention. Both of you knew that Alex hated your jokes.

"Great! I'm happily married too! Thank y--"

Alex had enough of their jokes. She was dealing with this particular tall guy and she was not in the mood to be listening to your jokes as she figured out a way to take him down.

"Fuck you guys! We're in the middle of something important here!"

Lena and J'onn were just shaking their heads as they heard the three of you.

"Sometimes I can't believe they're the top 3 agents here."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя