New Science

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Prompt by: Janafo28

You were a CEO. You were married to a CEO. Your life revolved around galas and dealing with paparazzi so that should mean that you used to the attention, right?

Wrong. You hated having the spotlight on you. It's why you had hired someone to speak on your behalf. Unfortunately, they had gotten sick on the day of the press conference and since no one else had prepared a speech or knew the product like you, you had to do it.

"Lenaaaa.. please go out there and do the speech for me."

"You know I can't. I'm not equipped to answer any questions they might have."

You gave her your best 'puppy dog eyes' face but it still didn't work.

"Love, I know what can help you with your nerves. I've heard that if we picture each other naked, it'll be really helpful."

"Wait, don't you mean if we picture our audience naked?"

Lena continued to insist.

"No. No. This is a new science and as a scientist. I think we should try it. For research purposes of course."

She leaned in close to you but not enough to allow you to kiss her.

"I'll be standing in the very front."

Family - Reader/Lena Luthorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن