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"You know, I remember staying up all night waiting for him," I say to Pogo, as I look up at Five's portrait. "I remember... leaving the lights on, so if... he ever did come back, he wouldn't run away again from not being able to find us. I always made his favorite snack for him 'cause I figured he'd be hungry if he came back," I add, chuckling softly.

"Oh, I remember. I threw away many of your peanut butter and marshmellow sandwiches when they started to collect flies," He chuckles. "Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope."

"And look where that got him..."

"It was... especially hard when you died a year later. I mean, he had just lost his Five, and then, he lost you. It was a lot for him, for me, for everyone," He says.

"I know. You know, I heard there were a lot of rumors about how I died."

"Yes. Some people believed you died of a broken heart. I mean, you were so close to him. He was never like a brother to you. You always loved him in a different way, and when he disappeared, you lost yourself, you became numb, and it hurt everyone to watch you change like that," He admits.

"I know. But I wouldn't let them in, I wouldn't talk to them or listen to them. All I wanted was for Five to be back. I think part of it was also that I stopped eating and sleeping."

"I do believe it was because of a broken heart."

"You do?"

"Yes. Losing him... broke you in a way that a lot of people wouldn't understand."

"Yeah, it did. I, uh, I definitely changed."


"Um... I guess we should get this started," Luther says, standing up. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot," He says.

"Dad had a favorite spot," Allison questions, confused.

"You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?"

"Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner," Klaus says.

"What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here," Luther sighs.

"Is that my skirt," Allison questions when she notices Klaus wearing a black skirt.

"What? Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits," Klaus admits.

"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"

"Like what," Diego questions.

"Like the way he died."

"And here we go," Diego rolls his eyes.

"I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack," Vanya says.

"Yeah, according to the coroner."

"Well, wouldn't they know," I point out.


"Theoretically," Allison says.

"I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange," Luther admits.

"Oh, quelle surprise," Klaus gurgles.

"Strange how?"

"He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust," Luther replies.

"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles," Diego says, standing up and walking over to him.

"No. He must have known something was going to happen," Luther shakes his head, looking at Klaus. "Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, "Dad, could you just... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call"," Klaus points out.

"Since when? That's your thing," Luther reminds him.

"I'm not in the right... frame of mine."

"You're high," I say.

"Yeah! Yeah," Klaus exclaims, laughing. "I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense?"

"Well, sober up, this is important," Luther orders, making him groan. "Then, there's the issue of the missing monocle."

"Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle," Diego rolls his eyes.

"Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge," He admits.

"Where are you going with this, Luther," I ask, standing up.

"Oh, isn't it obvious, Jasmine? He thinks one of us killed Dad," Diego says, making my eyes widen and my fists clench.

"You do," Klaus says.

"How could you think that," Vanya questions, shocked.

"Great job, Luther. Way to lead," I hiss, bitterly.

"That's not what I'm saying..."

"You're crazy, man. You're crazy", Klaus adds, following Diego towards the door.

"I'm not finished."

"Okay, well, sorry. I'm just gonna go murder Mom right quick. Be right back," Klaus adds sarcastically.

"That's not what I'm saying. I didn't--," He starts when we all leave the room.

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