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Kitty's P.O.V

I look at Sky. He is still out. I sit cross-legged on the bed. If Ghost did this, why would she? Seto comes in. 

"Ghost and Ty are back. I also have something that could work." Seto said. 

"Do it." They are back. Good. 

"But he would be in pain afterwards." Seto said. I look at Sky. 

"At least he would be awake." 

"Okay, do you want to stay?" Seto asks. I need to talk to Ghost. 

"I'll stay." I will talk to Ghost after this. I want to be here for him. Seto's eyes turn purple and his puts his hand on Sky's chest. Seto says something and he backs off. 


"Go see." Seto said. I go above Sky. I put my knees next to his sides. I put my hands next to his head. 


"It didn't work." I look at Seto. 

"it did work. Look." Seto said. I look at Sky. He opens his eyes slowly. I smile. 

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Sky sits up and I sit on his legs. He looks at me. 

"What happen?" Sky asks. 

"I don't know, you just went to sleep and wouldn't wake up." 

"I'll leave you two." Seto said. I look at Seto. Are you serious? He leaves and closes the door. I look at Sky. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah I'll live." Sky said. I smile. I wrap my arms around his neck. I hug him. I hug him tight. I feel his arms go around me. 

"I thought I loss you." We could have loss Sky for months iif we didn't wake him up. Seto said if we don't wake him up, he could actually died from not eating or no water. That scared me a lot. I need to talk to Ghost. She was the last person with him before this happen. She must know something. Sky either can't remember or doesn't want to say. I pull back a little from him. I look at him. He should rest. 

"Well you should rest for a while." 

"Why?" Sky asks. 

"Well one I know that you have been lacking sleep for days and the fact of what happen 5 minutes ago." 

"Fine." Sky said. I kiss him and get off of him. I leave and shut the door behind me. I walk down the hallway. I see Ghost. I run next to her. 

"So Ghost where have you been?" 

"Places. What have you been doing?" Ghost asks. 

"Oh you know trying not to lose Sky." Ghost stops and looks at me. 

"What?" Ghost asks. 

"Ghost you were the last one to seen him. Did you do anything to him before you left?" 

"I put a dart in him. It was not a bad one." Ghost said. 

"Ghost the dart you put in him almost killed him. How is that not a bad one?" 

"I wasn't thinking." Ghost said. 

"Clearly. He's fine now." 

"Where is he?" Ghost asks. 

"Sleeping. He has slept since last Saturday." 

"Really?" Ghost asks. 

"Yeah if your going to say your sorry. Tell him after he wakes up please." 

"I will." Ghost said. She seems off to. 

"Ghost did something happen?" She looks at me.  

"No, nothing happen." Ghost said. 

"Ok see ya later." 

"Bye." Ghost said. She leaves. I look at her as she leaves. Something did happen. Something bad. I go into my room. I sit in my bed. I lay on it. I look at the ceiling. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I said no to Sky's offer to staying here. My life would stuck. That what it would be like. 

Almost 400 reads! Thanks for the support! Happy Thanksgiving! I am having 17 to 20 people over my house today. I don't hate my little cousins. They just drive my insane! Let the headache begin! My cousins range 1 to 10. Great isn't it. The only ones that don't drive me crazy are KK and Taryn. The older ones that are my age are not coming. I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving! They only come for the food! That's my family since my dad cooks like he is at Olive Garden. He is a great cook! Happy Thanksgiving! 



Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now