Author's Note- IMPORTANT!

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Thanks for waiting for me! Thanks for the support! My wrist feels better because of what the doctor gave me! I promise to be more careful from now on. Friday was just a struggle all day at school. I was late to my science class and the student teacher is mean. I swear she has no soul. Why can't my science teacher be back?! I know why she isn't there, she had surgery and is recovering. 

Anyway on another note this book is almost over. The next book will come. I have an idea and I can't wait to start it! (If only I could type words right. That will makes this so much easier for me.) I still have to wear the splint thing on my wrist and it makes it hard to type. It took longer to heal last time because he gave me something different then now. But come on why didn't he give me this last time? I'm not surprise that I got hurt. I need to be careful for once. Actually I just need to pay attention to where I'm going for once. I tripped over something and I landed on it and then I had to play volleyball with a ball that is rock hard. Volleyball was a bad idea for me. 

Actually had another idea for a book that is not going to be in this series at all. I don't know if I should do i or not. It's about teamcrafted. It starts with minecon when Sky gets a warning about something that he has no idea what they are talking about. One year later the same person comes and attacks Sky. His friends notice that Sky is missing and they go to look for him. It turns out that Sky was transported into minecraft. He has no memory of minecraft. Meaning that Sky was in minecraft before the real world. His friends try to get him back. But Sky meets someone that changes his life forever. That's all that I'm saying about it. I don't know if I should do it or not. Tell me if I should or not. YES OR NO IN THE COMMENTS!!



Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now