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Wow thanks for over 100 reads! Thanks for all the support for this story. Means a lot to me. The song has nothing to do with this chapter. I thoguht it sounded cool. It's Thrift Shop By Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. It's nightcore and remixed. It sounds so cool. Listen to the original!  And I guess here is the next chapter to Taken. 


Sky's P.O.V

I can't move or speak. Why can't I? I can feel something soft and voices. Why aren't they familiar to me?

"So Sky you survive. I am not surprise." Someone said. I try to speak. The word die in my throat. I go on my hands and knees. I look up. Ron. I hate this guy. He kneels down and looks at me.

"No answer. Good. Let's say that you can't speak or move with my approval. So you can't control yourself. I am in control of you now. You know why you need to be control?" Ron asks. I don't answer. I don't want to know the answer.

"Your the problem. If you are able to do anything you want then everyone will die. So this is for everyone's good." Ron said. Chains appear and they chain me to the floor. I lay on the ground. The chains tighten. Voices start coming in my head. They won't go away. I didn't snap. I am not crazy. But what if he is right?

"It's your fault that Herobrine was evil and your mom died. Face it Sky your the problem. You always have been." Ron said. I don't move. I.....give....up. He's right. He stands up and laughs. I feel tears come down my face. How could I have been so stupid? I have always been the problem. He can do whatever he wants. I don't want to wake up.

Ghost's P.O.V

"Why hasn't Sky woken up yet?" Ian asks. It's been 3 days. It's starting to worry me. He is fine. But he hasn't woken up. Why? He is not in a coma or anything like that. He just won't wake up. It's like he doesn't want to. Jake grabs my sleeve and pulls iit down. I look at him.

"Can I talk to Sky now?" Jake asks. He wants to talk to Sky about something private.

"He is not awake yet."

"That's the problem." Ty said.

"What?" I look at him.

"He won't wake up. Something is wrong with him." Ty said.

"It's like he is resisting to wake up." Seto said. I look at him.

"How could he not want to wake up and help us? He's Sky. He has to help us."' I look at Jake.

"He'll be fine right Ghost?" Jake asks. I nod. I look at Seto.

"Do something to wake Sky up. We need him."

"I have tried everything. He won't wake up. It's like he's....."

"He's what?" Someone asks. I look at the door. Robert is standing there.

"Robert what are you doing here?"

"Jason told me something is very wrong." Robert said.

"There is."

"Sky has not woken up yet. I have tried everything to wake him up. It's like he's...given up." Seto siad. My eyes widen. Ty grabs Seto all of a sudden.

"Sky doesn't give up Seto!" Ty yells.

"I know Ty." Seto said.

"Then why isn't he up?" Ty asks. Seto says something. Ty looks shocked.

"But...." Ty said. He let's go of Seto.

"Your lying." Ty said. Ty backs up a couple of feet. What did Seto say?

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now