Founded Abuse

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Ghost's P.O.V

Sky didn't seem in it today. 

"I hope Sky will be fine." I look at Ty. 

"He'll be fine. He's Sky. Come on we need to tell the teachers." Ty said. We walk down the hallway. We stop. 

"I will talk to them." Ty said. I nod. I walk to the kids. They look at me. 

"Arn't you Ghost?" A kid asks. 

"Yep." They hug my legs. I smile. I will always love kids. They let go. 

"What are your names?" There are only like 5 kids here. One of them is so familiar. 

"Aaron." Aaron said. 

"Tess." Tess said. 

"Logan." Logan said. 

"Kendall." Kendall said. 

"Jake." Jake said. Jake? Did he say Jake? I look at him. He has bruises on him and scratches. 

"How old?" 

"10." Aaron said. 

"9." Tess said. 

"11." Logan said. 

"10." Kendall said. 

"11." Jake said. I freeze. He is suppose to be that old. I look at him. No he died.

"Ghost." Kendall said. 

"Sorry. You guys excited?" 

"Yes." They said. Ty walks next to me. He looks at me. 

"You okay?" Ty asks. 

"I'm fine." The teachers walk next to me. 

"What are we doing again?" 

"Well Ghost I'm Mr. Freeman. Whatever you guys usual do." Mr. Freeman said. 

"Great Ty." I look at Ty. 

"Sky." Mr. Freeman said. I look at the door. Sky comes in. Is it weird that he has not been talking much to us? He stops next to Ty. I want to talk to him about what was wrong with him. By the looks of it, Kitty broke Sky down. 

"What am I doing again?" Sky asks. I roll my eyes. Ty talks to Sky. I look at Jake. I swear he is just like my little brother. Why does he look so beaten up? We all walk down the hallway. Jake grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look at him. 

"Ghost can I ask you something?" Jake asks. 

"Sure Jake what?" I kneel down to his level. A teacher looks at me. I look at them. 

"We will catch up with you guys." He nods and leaves. I look back at Jake. He looks like he is going to cry. 

"I don't want to go home.' Jake said. What?

"Why not?" 

"My dad." Jake said. His dad?

"What's your dad's name?" 

"Ron." Jake said. My eyes widen. That's my dad's name. 

"Jake do you have any siblings?" 

"Yes." Jake said. I wouldn't be able to recognize him at this age. He has changed so much. 

"How old and many?" 

"A sister and she should be 16. But she died a long time ago." Jake said.  I'm 16 years old. 

"What's her name?"

"Ghostrock." Jake said. He's alive! 


"Yes, wait your my sister." Jake said. I nod. Jake hugs me. 

"What did he do to you?" 

"He hurts me." Jake said. I hold him tight. I found him. Or he found me. 

"He hurts you." We look at each other. 

"Yes." Jake said. That must be why he looks beaten up. 

"Come on. I'll talk to Sky. See what he says." 

Sky's P.O.V

Someone grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look at them. Ghost. 

"Sky I need to talk to you." Ghost said. She has a little kid with her. Mr. Freeman takes him with them. 

"Ty you have this." 

"I'll be good." Ty said. Ghost lets go of me. I look at her. 


"That little boy I was with." Ghost said. 

"What about him?" 

"He's my little brother. It might seen unbelievable but I feel like it is. He told me about our dad. Sky Ron abusing him." Ghost said. 

"Abuses. What do want me to do?" 

"Can you talk to Ron for us?" Ghost asks. 

"Ghost why can't you?" 

"I can't Sky. I can't see him for a reason that I will keep. Please talk to him. Please. I don't want my little brother with him anymore." Ghost said. Ghost hugs me. 

"Please." Ghost said repeatedly. She hugs me tighter and tighter, till I can't breathe. 

"Can't breathe." Ghost lets go of me. 

"Sorry." Ghost said. She was about to speak, 

"If you say please one more time I will have to drill it out of my head." She laughs. 

"So you'll do it?" Ghost asks. 

"Why not Ty?" 

"I want you to. You have more authority." Ghost said. 

"But....Ty......I'll do it." Ghost cheers and kisses my cheek. She walks away. What village does he live in? 

"Wait what village?" Ghost turns around. 

"South." Ghost said. South village. That is the farest one away from here. Great. 

"Awesome.' Ghost runs next to Ty. I stand there. What did I get myself into? 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora